May 27, 2004 11:00
Wow!..Is all I can say, this school year has flown by so fast it's not even funny. It's hard to believe that next year the class of '07 is going to be Sophmores.I can remember my first day of Primary School/Middle School/High School I was so scared entering new places, but you become so attacthced to them that you don't want to leave. You wait so long to get to the top and then when you do it's all over, and you start from the bottom again and work yourself back up. It's absoultly amazing how time flys!..Only 3 more years until our class graduates!-Sad thoughts, we already have so many memories and I have the best friends anybody could ever ask for, they have been there for me when i've been a total yeah, and whined all the time about guys, and vice versa.I love you guys bunches ;)!..Anyhow today the last day of school for 77 days(Danielle counted lol) was kinda sad it a way but then in another, I know I still have three more years to make even more memories with my great friends!The school has seemed so empty for the past 2 days because Seniors havn't been there, im going to miss them, they brought excitment to J.J.Kelly-lol!-If I could give one piece of advice to the people coming up to Kelly next year as freshman it's don't get into high-school drama with the he said she said stories, it's not worth it, just enjoy your time in high-school!-But anyhow Danielle and I were talkin' today and we thought that I should post memories from our 8th *&* 9th grade year, there should be tons of memories in there for everyone to here we go:....Memories:-Rogie;sneaking out of the movies;oh crap theres my mom hide;Rachel running into the pop machine;our lunches;hey yo your thongs hanging out;sun-batheing;answering machine messages;Turtle,Turtle;Shower Boy;Bugs in the food;leaving gym early;beached whale;tattle-tale;getting suspended;Mr.Rodney Davis;Markie;never working out;basketball games;don't look at me SWAN;football games;her color is black;I can't remember what she backed my jeep into; I love you this much;trips to pound;stalkers;get your feet in the window we can get pulled over;flashing light, it's to late;Lunch;talkin' about people in homeroom;wouldn't you hate to be our enemys;the meat man;falling up the steps;fights; quarters;I love you queerly not dearly;spandex on the track; dirrty underwear in the locker room;Emily missing the boxes; birdy birdy;wolf wolf;im walking out of you life a 45 after 9;Can I go now;I got Iss *again*;making up songs;our trips to Renos;Go Carson that's my mama out there;opening the car door doing 70;Im getting out right here and now;jumping out the window and ripping pants;trying to sneak out;Halloween; Cornmaze;Rhonda falling flat on her face;late night visits by unexpected visitors;fights with other basketball teams;gosh his butt looks good in the uniform;Amber he's just a kid; Chasing Liberty;I'd do him real hard, no correction i'd let him do me real hard,singing happy birthday;the beach;flashing traffic in Gatlinburg;she's so fake;barbie and ken; she just stuffs her bra thats all;socks belong on your feet not in your bra;cheating;getting sent out of class;It's 9:46 where in the heck are you;bus trips;prank calls;terroizing Wal-Mart; I wanna go to Hawaii YAY;What color was George Washingtons white horse?..umm...brown;Strawberries and Chocolate;he don't date girls with more body hair than him; are those shorts fingertip length;he dosn't shower;she's the head skag;the red-room;tampons in the hair;I need to go to the restroom;im peeling;help me im going insane;broomstick and football;Kayli fitting through the window;my lemonade brings all the boys to the yard;wait milk dont come out your yeah;crusing wal-mart;GO BACK GO BACK NOW;baseball games; pivit poke it poke it pivit;theres bigger fish in the sea wat bigger ones;he's a stick;whens his b-day..umm..Feb 31?;hospitals;homo;National Homo Day;trips to the mall;Applebees;crack shorts;partying at Emilys;crazy pictures;streaking;get your dirty skoal bottles out of my house;baning on windows;pantyhose;food-fights;that's alright Jesus still loves you;Autumn driving like a maniac; Amandas stories;I refuse to clean the toliets;we be nappin;this is what your doing, this is what I want you to do;name-calling; notes in lockers;Beeline;Emily driving;prom 04';I am virgin thank you very much;bar *&* grill, your going to get fired when we all flunk;I LOVE YOU ROGER;Spanish Class;dude did you kill a cheetah;omygosh get under the panty table, no run for you life;Outback;Olive Garden;Dari Barn;walking through town; weight-lifting;our graduation song;Tipsy;Redneck Woman;Kissie Kissie;crying our eyes out at each others houses;emotional moments;day by day by day;Mosbys;cutie with a bootie; take a picture it will last longer;swimming;going down the wrong side of the rode;Johnny Woods;Austins coffee from Gatlinburg;Good Taters *
Wow, that's just a few I can think of ton's more I just don't have time to type them all!-If you can think of anymore leave me a comment and put them in there--We have so many more memories to come.Over the summber Danielle,Emily,Rachel,Kara and a bunch of us are going to Gatlenburg, that's going to be awesome!-Shew, I leave for New York in *12* days yay, im excited Emily,Kasi Kendra and I are rooming together. Then the 04' trip to the beach I can't wait. This summer is going to be awesome. Welp, im going to go lay down and take a nap because im worn out.But I will update over the summer and keep you all posted of what's going on.Welp im out!
- > * Amber . Leann * < -