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Aug 08, 2004 20:28

Well, it`s been a few days since I updated last so I figured I would do that but i`ll just tell you what`s happened since Friday because I can`t remember everything that happened throughout the week.
I got up & took a shower and all that good stuff, and Kasi,Kathy and Cody came and got me. Then we went to pick up Travis, after that we went into Food City to pick up some grocerys, then we went back to Kasi`s.We jumped on the trampoline for a little while, and watched the movies 13 going on 30 and Along came Polly.Around 8 we started getting ready then we all went down to the drive-in to watch Dodgeball & Anchorman, they were both pretty good. After that we took Travis home, then went back to Kasi`s. We stayed up until about 4:00, then I fell asleep.
Saturday-I had to wake up at 8:45 because mom was going to be there around 9. So, she got there around 9:15. I came home took a shower got ready. Then we went and picked up Emily and headed to the Johnsoncity mall to do some school clothes shopping.I bought tons of stuff from American Eagle, I love that place.I bought alot of other stuff to but thats my main store. After the mall, we went and ate at Olive Garden, it was really good. Then we headed down to the Honda place where I feel in love with another Honda Civic, lol . .im determined to get one of those..which I probably will. After we went there we headed to Best Buy, there were a bunch of hotties in there let me tell you-haha!..We stayed in there for about an hour looking at stuff, then we headed back to Wise. When we got back we ran Emily by her house to get some stuff, then we came back here for a little while, then went back out to Emily's for about an hour then came back here for the rest of the night.
I woke up around 1, then took a shower and all that good stuff. Then Mom,Emily and I went to Wal-Mart so I could get some stuff for back to school.After that we went to Taco Bell and got something to eat,then I went back to Emilys house with her for a little while.Then mom came and got me and we went to my aunt`s house, to spend time with the family, then came home and here I am now.
Anyhow, the fair is going to start tomorrow, i`m excited to go and see everyone.Oh yeah I saw Rachel in the mall yesterday I hadn`t seen her in forever I missed her bunches! I think that i`ll be going most of the nights though, I can`t wait to see everyone, i`ve missed them =(!Anyways, I think im going to get off here and finish cleaning my room because its like a disaster area, but I will update with some pictures we took at Kasis house next time that I update so look for them. I`m out!
Love You All Bunches ;)
* Amber . LeAnn . Baker *
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