(no subject)

Jul 28, 2004 21:21

Well Well, I decided to delete that last update! Just because I didn`t think that it was needed anymore!I don`t think that I have to go to court anymore :), which is a good thing. In a way I wanted to for a certain reason, to get justice for what had happened.So, either way i`m ready to go but I honestly don`t think that I have to anymore!But, this isn`t over *yet*, it`s more than likly -far- from over!I could honestly care less if it was dropped, because there`s nothing to be upset over, *someone* might think its funny or upsets me but it dosn`t, they are soo very wrong!But enough of that moving on. . . so far this week has been boring and i`d say it will be until tomorrow or Friday because i`ll be ungrouded one of those days, which I can wait. This hasn`t been all that bad of a grouding i`ve had worse..but hey i`m not complaning one bit!-This weekend hopefully i`m going to Johnsoncity shopping, which will be a much needed trip. And sometime before school starts back were going to Gatlinburg, like we do every year!-
--> * Oh and one more thing what in the world is up with anonymous comments, I personally think it`s quite funny and at the same time stupid. Ecpically the one about "Brett may be your brother"...that was about gay!-Haha, yeah if things work out with our parents he might be my brother, which I wouldn`t care, because I love Brett to death((when hes not being a total meanass,haha))!But, hey feel free to keep them comming, I appreciate comments :), even if they are from so called "anonymous" people! That's enough about that.
--> * Moving on, DANIELLE BOWMAN if you are reading this, i`m extermly upset with you, I still havn`t recieved a phone call from you, and we have a-lot to talk about!-I`m still highly upset that we don`t have any classes together, but hopefully we will second semester.Yesterday I also found out that I have my last three class with Christina so that made my day, she always helps me out when i`m having my "blonde moments"-haha!I hope Emily & I have some classes together, because we havn't had one since 8th grade, well we had weight-lifting last year. But still, I hope we do.Anyhow, this was an oh so pointless update, but I was deleting that entry and thought I would replace it with this one!So, i`m out of here...I will update again sometime soon!
* Amber . LeAnn . Baker *
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