Shameless Plug - Alzheimer's Memory Walk

Oct 11, 2007 12:26

Since Alzheimer’s Disease is a disease that affects more and more Americans everyday, and since I have memory issues of my own, I have decided that I should do something, some small part, to help the organization to "end Alzheimer’s in our lifetime"

I have decided to join my local Washington Area Parrot Head Club team to walk the National Alzheimer’s Memory Walk on October 27, 2007.

To that end, I am also looking for tax deductible donations to the Alzheimer’s Association that can be made to help me with my fundraising goal. My personal goal is $500, of which I have already raised $100.

Any amount will help - both my efforts and the National Alzheimer’s association efforts.

If anyone here is so inclined, the webpage to donate is the following:

Even moral support is appreciated, even though it is only a three mile walk. Thanks for looking, anyway!

/end shameless plug

memory walk, waphc fundraising, memory, alzheimer's association, fundraising, alzheimer's

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