(no subject)

Feb 25, 2004 07:50

Well Sunday portia and i woke up and got ready and around 11 i guess headed down devin's we stayed until 1:30 then me her and clint went to pizza hut around 2 and stayed until my sister got off at 3.. then clint and portia stayed at my house until 5 and then they left by like 5:30 so i was bored and we went and got food and i came home and ate and got my sister to take me down to mamaws.. and then Monday nothing much happened we had practice but I didn't go.. but then yesturday I went and I talked to joseph at the high school cause i rode bus 92 and i was waitin on 19 to get there cause jess rode it!* so yeah.. but umm then we went to practice.. nuttin major we got rained on and it was cold.. LOL* but anyways we left around 5:30-5:45ish and i got home at like almost 6 cause we had to stop at the gas station. Lol..
But today umm shea is coming to pick me up now so yeah!* i need to go tell my mom adn get her to sign my paper thing..
we filledo ut our classes yesturday for all next year and here are mine..

1. English adv. 9
2. Algebra 1a
3. algebra 1b
4. earth scienc
5. ancient history
6. pe 9
7. ROTC 1
8. ROTC 2

and my alternate subjects are..
1. French 1
2. French 2
3. word processing

hopefully shea and i will be in alot of classes together cause she has those EXACT things except english shes just takin regular.. so yeah* ooh and tamra and jeremy have the same too* Lol.. knowin our luck we won't have nuttin but ROTC together.. but oh well its all good..

But i gotta go get my mom to sign this and tell her shea is comin to get me.. so i will talk to you guys tomorrow after practice i guess!!!

ooh yeah.. meisha remember i hate you but your still my best friend.. LOL!!

<33 y'all
Samantha Lea
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