Trying to avoid doing an overwhelming amt of hmwk...

Jun 08, 2004 15:55

full Name? jacqueline marie garry
Zodiac Sign? gemini
Age? 18...19 a week from thurs!
Height? 5'5
Eye Color? blue
Hair color? blonde


ever been in love? naw, not really
Had a crush on a teacher? haha definetly not, although mr.osexy and mr. semen were pretty hott...
Done something stupid to impress your crush? most likely
Said I love you? yes
Ditched a friend for him/her? dont think so, but ann would prolly beg to differ, "chicks b4 dicks"
Would you live with someone before you were married? nope- my parents would disown me
Short or tall? tall
Sexy arms, or abs? mmm...both!
Is being in love the best feeling? quite possibly
Do looks matter? you have to be attracted to the person, so i guess yes, but its more of a bonus
Have you ever intentionally hurt someone? dont think so
First crush? In 3rd grade I liked Phill Simon, haha thats funny!
Mr.Sensitive, or Mr. Funny? both!
Good guy, or bad guy? good guy, but the occassional bad boy is always fun!
Ears pierced? no
Freckles? their fine
Rugged, or sporty? both are good
Marry perfect lover or perfect friend? first marriage marry for money and then marry for love- JK!
Do you like to call or be called? be called- i'm horrible at callin ppl
Are you scared to ask someone out? um yes
Do you believe in love at first sight? yes


Who looks most like you? ppl say me and mo look alike, but we dont see it...
Who do you go to for advice? ann, aub, ash, brit, and kev (depending on what answer I want to hear- lol)
You tell your dreams to? ann

Funniest? brit/molly has a very sarcastic sense of humor
Craziest? brit/ann
Smartest? aub
Ditzyest? ash/myself...we cant help it we're blondes!
If you were another person would you be friends with you? of course!
Prettiest? they are all pretty in their own way
Nicest? sarah
Caring? joanna
Sensitive? ash
Meanest? why would i be friends with someone that is mean?
Loudest? ann/jess
Quietest? aub- except when she is around me cuz i make her hollow at the moon, lol!
Who is always there for you? they all are, especially ann and brit
Have you had an imaginary friend? naw
Who do you have the most inside jokes with? ann


Have you cried? yes, listening to a sad song on the radio i must admit i got a lil teary eyed
Laughed? always!
Sneezed? yes
Been mean? prolly
Been sarcastic? who me?!...always!
Gone to the movies? nope, i'm in school- i have no life!
Gone to eat? nope
Written a letter? nope
Given someone a prize?
Had a serious talk? yes, i know, shocker, i can be serious
Missed someone? indeed
Hugged someone? of course


Have you lied to sound good? most likely
what is in ur cd player? nothin, tv is on
are you happy? yes!
Bad habits? well i stopped biting my nails, finally!
what store would you never be caught dead in? beats me
do you think there is pot of gold at the end of rainbows? sure
what do you do to prevent anger? vent
are you passive or aggressive? aggressive
do you trust others easily? no, u gotta earn my trust
have you ever screamed in a quiet room to make noise? yes
left the country? yes, canada, grand caymens, caribbean cruises
gone out in your pj's? i'm in college! i took every exam in pj's!
missed school because it was raining? nope
crashed into a wall in public? i wouldnt doubt it
laughed so hard you cried? yes
fallen down stairs? yes


TV Channel? 4, 7, 10, mtv
Finger? kinda upset humans will eventually lose their!
Lunch meat? turkey
Movie? liar liar, legally blonde, signs, etc.
Place? the beach
Food? fast food?taco bell
Number(s)? 17
Sport? i like to play soccer and lacrosse, but watch hockey
drink? "if you like pina coladas..."
Commercial? i hate commercials


Truth or dare? truth, but only cuz i'm a whimp when it comes to dares
Ocean or pool? ocean
cake or pie? cream!
sunset or sunrise? sunset
crushed or cubed? cubed
showers or baths? shower, but a bath can be relaxing
winter or summer? summer
biking or blading? both
night or day? night
lights on or off? depends
cold or hott? hott
new or old? new
are you calm or crazy? crazy


Do you like to dance? yes, but i'm bad
Nicknames? Jackie, Jacks, J, and lately my bros have been callin me jessica simpson...
What class in school is totally useless? art
Do u have a journal? online
Do u like sarcasm? i'm vey sarcastic
Would you bungee jump? its possible, prolly would sky dive before bungee jumpin though
Where do u want to live? i'll most likely stay in MI

Well that was fun...have a good one!
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