i really dont want to start 2006. im scared and i dont know what is gunna happen. i know, whatever does happen with turn out good, but i just like things the way they are right now.im scared that i will lose my close friends to high school. im scared that i will have trouble making friends in high school.im scared that someone i love will die. im scared that people will turn their backs on me and forget me. im scared about so many things and i just with i could know what would happen in the future... =/
but then i will remember all the amazing memories i have right now and all the pictures to remind me..and the best friends i could ask for, and i think everything will be fine..
-the cape with chelsea, nicole, heather, caroline, hilary, cara..
-sucky year at camp
-slideshow-heahter hilary meghan chelsea nicole molly
-basketball with my storm <3
-my birthday with heather caroline & germans <3
-the cape in general
-becoming closer with molly meghan & nici <3
-six chix <3
-relizing that if someone doenst like you, theres other people who do.
-stupid drama =X
-my bat mitzvah =)
-vacations..key west, cozumel, miami beach, and soon whistler
-sucky classes, changing everyones scheduals..better classes now =)
-gym with nicole bre and molly =)
-spanish parties for miss okacha hahaha
-SEAN KIM!!!!!
-BC game with heather hilary & meghan..you are soo sooo soo STUPID! hhaha <3
-red sox games.. -with chelsea&bre painting our faces..and with hilary =)
-pats become a dynasty
-RED SOX + WORLD SERIES = amzinggggggg
-mr camerons LA/reading blue/green class last year <3 i love that class x98773648736
-SOCCER. gts heather meghan hilary
-lacrosee. amazing as always
-thank you to every single person who made 2005 an amazing year. probably one of the best <3 i dont know what i would do with out my friends who can always cheer me up <3
also, does anyone relize that we had a snow day the day were were supoosed to go back to school after winter vacation last year too?
2005 SURVEY.
1. did you have a new year's resolution this past year? no i never do.
2. who kissed you at midnight? no one
3. where were you at 12:00? on a boat. in the middle of the ocean.
4. do you like hot chocolate? YESSS!!
5. have you ever been to times square to watch the ball drop? no but ive been to times square
6. most memorable moment of january? basktball with my storm =) & other stufff
1. who was your valentine in 2005? didn't have one.
2. what did your valentine get you? nothinggg
3. when you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class? yeah =) i wish we still did that 4. stand out event of February: Floridaaaa
1. are you irish? nopeee =D
2. do you wear green on st. patty's day? noo i dont even celebrate it!
3. what did you do for st. patty's day in 2005? nothing?
4. stand out activity from march: march isnt important its in the middle and i dont rembmer one thing i did from march.
1. do you like the rain? i'm in love with it.
2. did you play an april fool's joke on anyone this year? noo but in 6th grade with my crutches & jeremiah i did
3. do you get tons of candy on easter? no =( i wish i did tho
4. why april rocked: dont rmember this either
1. what's your favorite kind of flower? bleeding hearts
2. do you like the spring? yesssss.
3. what's the best part of may? it gets warmerr
4. what was the most important part of may? I HATE THESE QUESTIONS!!!!
1. what year did/do you graduate from school? 2010 babyyyy
2. did you go on any vacations last june? nope. only to the cape but i always do that so its not vacation
3. how did you celebrate graduation? i didnt?
4. best part of june: not the end of school.
1. what did you do on the 4th of july? i belive...i was at the cape with my friends from NJ=)
2. do you go on any vacations during this month? camp GROSS i hate yj =X
3. what defines july to you? summer && the cape! (used to be camp but im not going back =)
4. what made july great? the cape with my lovely family & friends
1. did you do anything special to end off your summer? el cape (like always =D =D)
2. what was your favorite summer memory of '05? the capee with my bffsssss
3. do you go swimming a lot in the summer? heck yesss like everyday..but tubing more =D
4. do you go to the beach a lot? i freakin live on the beach. my house is on the beachh
5. define august in 5 words or less: cape.friends.tubing.boats.mybirthday
1. did you attend school/college in '05? yes. trottier 8th grade
2. who is/was your favorite teacher? my favorite teacher this year is mrs henry. yes thats hard to say causei hate all my teachers. but my fav. last year and still is mr. cameron
3. do you like fall better than summer? i like them both. but i loveee fall
4. most memorable part of september? umm? hmmm idk
1. what was your favorite halloween costume ever? i liked this year. me & hearther threww on whatever we could find and looked pretty hottt
2. what's your favorite candy? 3 muskuteers & twix
3. what did you dress up like this year? random
4. best part of october? MY BAT MITZVAH =)
5. worst part of october? october 13, 2005 =( NOTHING =)
5. do you like cold weather? sometimes but i get sick of it
6. what are you waiting for the most for this december? my cruise & florida
1. Best friend? no, but like 7 really really close friends
2. Best boyfriend/girlfriend? N/A
3. Lost any friends? drifted with some people
4. Gained any friends? yes
5. Met a new good friend? yess! well i didnt meet any, but i became much closer with meghan molly & nici buti was friends with them a while ago.
1. Went out of the country? cozumel
2. Moved? nope
3. New school: nope, same ol trotter
4. How many times on an airplane? DC, Florida, florida, i belive 3 times
1.Have you changed? ya..but not dramatically
2. New look? noooo .. highlights?
3. Any new additions? sure?
4. Biggest conflict this year? lol idk maybe the "drama"
5. Most depressed time this year? like middle november but i wasnt "depressed" just donfused
-- love--
1. Did you fall in love? nopee
2. Did you get heartbroken? nopee
3. Who was your summer love? noone
1. Favorite Season? fall
2. Least favorite season? spring..but i still love itt
3. Good birthday? i was at the cape with heather & caroline & THE GERMANS, so deffinitly
4. Any snow this year? yeeeees =)
5. Highest temperature? am i supposed to know that?
--did you--
1. Snuck out? nope
2. Met a person who will change your life? umm sure? probably
3. Kept your resolution? i didnt have one
4. Got arrested? nopee
5. Had a first something? yeah
6. Had a crush? sorta
7. Liked someone who didn't like you? almost
8. Lost a family member? no but in 6th grade
9. Got bad grades? nope
10.Got suspended? nopee
11.Moved states? nopee
12.Got a myspace? yuppppp
13.Changed your view on things? yeah.
14. go to a party?: yes.
15. try something new?: mhmm yes.
16. have someone change your life?: no =) but my friends&family changed my life for the better
17. kiss someone?: nope haha but some fat kid last new years kissed me on the cheek hahaha
18. tell your family and friends you love them?: yesss
19. buy something extravagant?: ummm well we bought a new computer (iMac)
20. had someone else do something nice for you?: umm yeah my bat mitzvahh
21. do something terribly wrong?: no not really =)
22. move?: nope
23. go to a concert?: nooo haha
-- best of the year:
1. holiday: my birthday excpet that you get older every time it comes and i dont want to get older
2. show: amazing racee and others
3. cd: none
4. movie: rumor has it & i forget the other haha
5. song: a lotttt
6. experience: i dont know, maybe noticing how people change.
7. purchase: everything i bought for my bat mitzvah
8. book: the secret life of bees
9. month: october
10. day: i like them all except sundays excpet for patriosts games on sundays
-- hopes for 2006--
1. predict something that you think will happen in 2006?: idk. i dont wanna think about it
2. what do you hope changes about your country?: soldiers come home
3. what do you hope for yourself?: to be comfortable with me
4. what do you hope for your family?: happiness&health
5. what do you hope for your best friend?: i want to stay friends with my friends
--during 2005--
1. where were you when it began?: a hotel in boxboro with my family friendss
2. did you stay up?: mhmm
3. what was your new year wish? idk?
4. how many boyfriends/girlfriends?: 0 haha
5. broke up?: N/A
6. have any crushes?: sorta
7. care to mention names?: noo
8. new friends?: yep
9. had to say goodbye?: nopee
10. missed anyone?: yeahh.. i miss cara. =[
11. win anything?: yes i know i did but i cant think of itt
12. best place you went to?: florida (miami beach!!) home cape
13. worst place you went to?: umm
14. happiest moment?: idk maybe when i was with certain people
15. how was your birthday?: amazing =)
16. best present?: my whole bat mitzvah & presents.