Jan 09, 2005 19:59

OMG ...its been a while since ive posted eh? Musicals taking over..i swear. Anyhow, I miss hanging out qith everyone..i've been so busy lately its crazy..i'm sleep deprived and yeah. Funny, I havent written in so long and you'd think i'd have so much to say...but i've got writers block..

Yesterday, Michael T had Trevin ,Carson ,David ,Karina ,Kellen ,Heather,and I all over for lunch. it was fun! I played some of my tunes I made up on the guitarra. Kellen, Heather, and Carson sang was quite fun!  They=greatastic singers..OK I'm not supposed to have energy drinks cause i've got a few heart probs but yeah Jacob was like MALLARY FINISH IT OFF and i was like oh skank i mean like..chug it? and he was like YEAH and so I did and he was like BAD ASS and then I='d really hyper but since I was tired at the same time, it wasn't all that great! I was supposed to take Ashley and Kristen home from musical last night...but I didn't see them on my way out...I hope they aren't stuck in the theatre or anything like that. I got this new rubberband thing for my geeky braces...its been cutting my tongue bleeds and I have to swallow it and can swallow a pint of blood before getting sick. Karina and I had a talk yesterday about some probs..I feel better to know theres someone out there with the same probs as me..thanks Karina, you=the greatest 2 the max!

I've come to the conclusion that I=Napoleon Josue/Kim=Pedro Zach/Kayla=Kip Natalie=Deb Jenna=Uncle Rico and SOMEONE(hahahaha josue!)=summer...ok ok I was telling Josue the whole Napoleon line up and I was like "ok yeah who can be summer?" and he was like "howsa bout (someone who I REALLY shouldnt say due to the fact that I am writing in a journal that all my friends will read and such and then they will tell the person's name goes here) !?" and i was like "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" and he was like "Yeah, she's pretty snobby" and I was like "OMG hahahaha" and everytime we see this person we LAUGH!! I had cheer competition today...yeah...we got first place...woot woot...but anyway, I've got to get some sleep before I fall apart...even the mona lisa's falling apart.


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