Nov 06, 2004 12:01
Completely random information that you must fill out or die.
Do you know the name of one of your great grandparents? If so, what is it? i know one is william on my moms side and on my dads side i think one is james
What color are your fingernails right now? natural.. boring
What gender are you? hmm ill let u figure that out
Have you ever dressed like a member of the opposite sex? only as a joke
Have you ever been mistaken for someone of the opposite sex? no.. see thats not a good thing
Do you get uncomfortable when you read a question involving the word 'sex'? no .. sex is just a word
What is your address? 1234 smallstown road (haha im not even kidding)
Do you have a stalker/are you stalking anybody? no.. i hope not
Do you live in Montana? ew no
Do you suck on ice in the winter? Yes, I said winter! noo..
Do you own a pair of scissors? If so, what color are they? they have a black handle thing and silver stainless steel blade
Do you have a bandaide on your body right now? no.. i hate bandaids
Just out of curiosity...did I spell bandaide wrong? yes.. i believe so
Which do you, black or red pens? black
Music (my fingers are dead today, I had to retype that seven times)
Do you have a song stuck in your head right now? yes..
Is it from a Disney movie? nooo..
Have you ever starting singing about random words in science class? haha yes actually.. i am easily amused
Pick a song and write as many lyrics that'll fit in the box as possible john jacob jingle hymer smit, his name is my name too.. whenever we go out.. the people always shout JOHN JACOB JINGLE HYMER SMITH LALALALLA.. okay im going to stop now
Do you play an instrument? piano
Do you want to play the guitar if you don't already? actually yes
What are your favorite bands? led zepplin, red hot chili peppers, green day (before american idiot cd), umm.. i have lots of favorite bands haha
Are you supposedly in a band with some of your friends? no
Can any of you actually play an instrument besides the kazoo? hahaha those things are so annoying..
Do you sing well? i really dont think so..
Pick one. Or make up a third answer, I don't care.
Jackets or sweaters? hoodies !
Lamps or street lights? lamps
The sound of ripping human flesh or the smell of steak? ughh neither..
Something or nothing? something
Half empty or half full? ("The cave is half full") 1/2 full
"When kids think Man Ray is a poisonous Jellyfish..." umm... isnt it?
That last part I read off an advertizement. Now or later? later?
Bullets or flowers? flowers .. these are random things.. haha
Poetry or short stories? short stories
Fingers or teeth? fingers
Ok...this is totally random. Completely. No category here.
Have you ever seen Exorcist? actually not yet.. but i doubt it would scare me
Do you hate models? i dunno?
What is your opinion on the color purple? i like really light shades of purple
Do you have the ability to notice subtlety? yes, i believe i do
I'm sorry I can't spell. thats nice for u..
Have any of your immediate family members ever died? yes
Recently? when i was in 7th grade..
Did you go to their funeral? yessums
Am I making you sad? I'm sorry. not really actually , death is part of life
Do you believe in God? not sure
Are you deaf? noo.. but sometimes i just dont feel like listening
Are you a deaf chicken? deaf hen , actually
Are you insulted at the accusation? not in the least bit
Is coffee a desirable beverage to you? if it was sugar or eaqul in it
Did that last question sound pretentious? not really.
Do you have AIM? If so, what's your screenname? blndshavmorfun16
1=u half circle 1 < / half circle, oh look here's the other half, u? shut up..
Do you have ANY idea what that last thing meant? Try taking it literally. i dont believe i do.. damn?
Write it down if you have to. think ill pass
Have you ever put caps lock on and forgotten to take it off? no .. but sometimes im just lazy
Do you have the hiccups right now? nope
I don't feel like writing any more. You ask me a question for a change. is ur mama a lama ?
In answer to your question: No. awww darn , mine is