Mar 13, 2005 15:03
Omgosh!!! today, march 13th is my BIG BRO"S BIRTHDAY!!! haha i got him a shirt at the mall...eve helped me pick it is a white shit that says volcom in green with a black outline..omgosh i want it....for like pjs..if they had it in my size, i wouldve gotten was sooooo cute...even tho it was a guys shirt...I LOVED IT!!! yeah and i got him the bestest card ever!!! it says " Hey bro! well we know who has the brains in the family"...then u open it and it says " I'll settle for the looks Happy birthday!" and i like thot it was the best!!! haha yeah
anyways funny bro and mel have their bdays one day apart then my dad and mels dad have the same bday and then my mom and mels mom have their bday in the same month.....HOW CRAZY IS THAT?????!!! and then there's me- all by myself...haha yeah so i wanna know when ieveyones BIRTHDAY WHENS UR BIRTHDAY??? <3