bored to hell

Jan 05, 2005 17:10

//*NaMe*// Michelle Daniels
//*CaLL Me*// Miche
//*BiRthDay*// 5/13/91
//*BiRth pLaCe*// Laconia, NH
//*EYeZ*// they change color
//*HAiR*// Blonde
//*Height*//no clue
//Shoe Size// 8

*La$t TiMe i*
//*HaD a NighTmAre*// last night
//*CriEd*// last night
//*ExerCisEd*// few minutes ago
//*DYed yOur hAir*// never did
//*CheCked yoUr E-mAiL*// just a few minutes ago
//*CallEd soMeoNe*// last night
//*WeNt tO tHe maLL*// few nights ago, but im going this weekend with pelet. :P

*HaVe I*
//*SmOked*// no
//*DoNe drUgZ*// no
//*DraNk*// yes
//*LiEd*// yes
//*CheAted*// no!
//*HaD $eX*// still a virgin

*Do I*
//*HaVe a boYfrieNd/girlfriend*// no :(
//*HaVe aNy gAy oR leSsbiAn frieNdZ*// to many
//*CoNsiDer loVe a miStaKe*// eh, sometimes
//*LiKe tHe taSte oF alcoHol*// depends on what its in
//*Believe in God*// kinda
//*Go tO chuRch*// yeah, 'rents make me
//*HaVe aNy secReZ*// only to many
//*HaVe aNy pEtZ*// 1 dog 2 cats
//*WeAr hAtZ*// sometimes, prefer visors
//*HaVe aNy pieRciNgZ*// yes
//*HaVe aNy taTTooZ*// no :|
//*HaVe aN obseSSion*// eh
//*HaVe a CruSh*// no
//*LiKe YoUr HanDwriTinG*// no
//*HaVe aNy bAd haBitZ*// yes
//*CaRe aboUt lOOkZ*// depends on my mood
//*BeLieVe iN wiTcHeZ*// yes
//*BeLieVe iN gHoStZ*// yes
//*Cheat oN teSt*// yes, im to stupid to do it on my own
//*Steal*// no
//*Dre$$*// off course
//*MoOd*// bored and oddly happy
//*Make-up*// eye-shadow, lip gloss, mascara that kinda stiff
//*Ta$te*// pizza.... lol steph
//*HaiR*// poofy, curly F'd up
//*SmeLL*// salad
//*FinGerNail CoLor*// right now, they are blue
//*ReFresHmeNt*// moxie
//*Date*// 1/5/05

*LasT pErsOn*
//*YoU TalKed to*//Andrew
//*YoU HuGGed*// Telly
//*YoU InStaNt meSSagEd*// CasaDega1989
//*YoU YeLLed At*// Amy W.
//*YoU HaD a CruSh On*// too long to 'member
//*WhO BroKe YoUr HeArt*// someone.. :/
//*LooKed at*// Phil, of course
//*YoU CheaTed oN*// never did
//*YoU caLLed*// Pelet!

//*FOOd*// if its good and tasty, i like it
//*CoLor*// green, black
//*ShOeZ*// Grey and pink etnies
//*Candy*// sour patch kids!
//*AniMal*// Blacky, my cat
//*MoViE*// Van Helsing off course
//*CaR*// no idea
//*IcE CreAm*// does a coffe coolata count?
//*RaDio StaTioN*// Wheb
//*Song*// Whats This, from The Nightmare Before Christmas... lol, dani
//*VeGeTaBle*// cucumber
//*FrUiT*// watermelon

*WhO dO yOu WaNt tO*
//*KiLL*// Kyle from interlakes
//*SLAp*// anyone who pisses me off
//*TicKle*// pelet, so she can scream unexpectidly again, lol
//*TaLk To*// anyone but myself, my dad and phil

//*aM*// weird
/*Want*// many things
//*Wi$h*// that amy wouldnt try to fight with me all the time
//*HaTe*// kyle from interlakes
//*Fear*// spiders, sorta
//*Hear*// music
//*Wonder*// if anyone is actually my friend, if they lie, if im a failure, if anyone likes me.
//*ReGreT*// fighting with amy
//*LoVe*// my friends
//*AlwAys*// screw up and get in trouble with my dad
//*DaNce*// if i feel like it
//*SiNg*// if a song comes to mind and no one is around
//*Cry*// when i break down
//*ConFuSe*// ppl
//*Can UsuaLLy bE fouNd*// at school, at home, at freinds houses
//*NeeD*// to talk to amy
//*MiSS*// amy
//*ThiNk*// amy hates me :'(

Amy im really sry, i miss u soo much, but y do u haveto always fight with me?

see ya!
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