With Johnny back, the idea's that's been festering has simply grown even larger. Now would be the perfect time for it-- he'll need the support Johnny can lend, and it's the only time Zelda's, well, really not going to notice
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"Johnny," Chase says, snorting. "Not everything is about sex and I can't believe I just said that." He shakes his head, clearing it. "Look, I need some... help. I wanted to surprise her with a-- a tattoo. The Triforce, specifically." He flushes. "What do you think?"
Johnny doesn't know what to think. But he knows Zelda is sick right now. Again. And if taking Chase to get a tattoo will distract him for awhile, then it's a good thing.
"I think that's adorable," Johnny says, the corner of his mouth curving upwards. "Seriously. A triforce."
Either answer would've been fine for Johnny, but never let it be said Johnny Storm let a moment of potential innuendo pass him by. "Well, I am rather familiar with it, and since I see it almost on a daily basis, I don't think offering my imput is out of line."
"That was the other body. Not this one." And how strange is it that he can say that and not be crazy? "I've already chosen, the, uh, spot." Right above my--"
"The towel covers the important parts," Chase grumbles, flushing slightly. "Yeah. I'm sure it'll hurt and the recovery time will probably suck, but it's not like-- well, yeah. Right about here, this big." He gestures carefully. "What do you think?"
"...I think I should get a closer look," Johnny says, and mindful of the fact that they're on a busy street, he makes a grab for the front of Rob's trousers.
Chase slaps at his hand almost out of reflex. "You'll be right there, the entire time it's happening." Hopefully, Chase will keep from crying out in pain. "You'll see enough then."
Johnny rolls his eyes. "And you want me with you...why, exactly? You have the parlor picked out. You have the tattoo picked out. You have the place picked out. What do you expect me to contribute?"
Chase flushes in embarrassment. "You're the best friend. You're suppose to provide the second opinion, make sure it seems safe, and the support." He shrugs. "If you don't want to..."
Chase rolls his eyes, swatting at Johnny. "Oh, you have experience with naughty tattoos. I'm sure there are a few heartbroken girls running around Manhattan with your name literally written on them. "He raises an eyebrow. "Have a tattoo of your own?"
"I think that's adorable," Johnny says, the corner of his mouth curving upwards. "Seriously. A triforce."
Chase coughs.
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