Mar 24, 2005 18:05
oh boy. updates huh.
i really just don't feel like updating a lot anymore. i'm not really sure why either. but i just don't. i'm only updating now because there is nothing better to do.
i'm done with classes for the week. too bad we don't get time off for easter that way it would make sense to come home. but we don't get any days off, so i'm not going home. yeah.
chemistry seems to be extremely hard. i didn't fail that last quiz like i was almost positive i did. in fact i got an 84 on it. we took a quiz on tuesday and hopefully i did equally as well or better. chem lab is hard though too. i can't understand my lab teacher either. damn accents. plus she's always rushing us because she wants to get out of there quickly. which kind of frustrates me. isn't she supposed to have to stay until we're all done. but she's pushing us to hurry and finish up not even two hours into our three hour lab. stupid brat. gosh i'm complainy.
i've become rather addicted to paper mario two. it's kind of sad. but i've put a lot of hours (twenty since last saturday) into this game. i really suck at it though. i really am just not good at video games. bah. but yeah. it's an enjoyable game. i just get picked on for playing it. even though all the kids who pick on me are much more addicted to worlds of warcraft or other games. geeks.
so uhm. i think that kid and i are going to do the friend thing. i just feel like it's not going anywhere else, but thats okay but he's a nice friend to have. more friends are always good.
pointless entries are really awesome. you should all love this. it's just for you people who read my journal even though you know it's not going to say anything important or worth your time. cool kids man.