I wanna ride wit chu ride wit chu, i wanna move wit chu move with chu

Jun 30, 2004 11:54

waa I learned howwww.

Well the summers not to bad. Im disappointed in a few things..n having to work so much..that i cant do things such as go to mtclemens for the fireworks and what not and just have some fun...mayb ill take the fireworks day off in August. Im also disappointed that i wont get to go out on the boat with my dad n all them on the 4th of july..n watch more fireworks. ONce again.. I work til 9. Yeha in i definetly need the money... im gettin close to gettin my car paid off.. i just gave my dad 600$ to put on for my car payment for the the month of june. That means i only have 700$ left. Yeah so again summers been good except im missin out on somethings..ooo well.

monday..damn i dont recall what I did.i think that was the night I went over Hannahs. We went to krogers n got some shhhiizzz and than watched tv at her house.. since our asses forgot to go to blockbuster and rent a movie.!!
Tuesday- laid aroundddd than Hannah came over n we got our spiderman tickets. yay. than i had work..when i came home from work.. i got some very unpleasant news that fuckin pissed me off. Lets just say I had a lottttt of rage..it reminded me of 10th grade yr when i first started gettin a rage when a certain some1pissed me off. in this is a rage that like makes my arms wanna move n id have to fuckin punch my wall. Yeah well I hadnt felt that in probably a yr... But i did... Some girls beat up my lil sister. Wow wowowowow woow this is pissin me of even talkin about it.
than later one of the girls found out i was lookin for them..n called the house for me...and threatned to beat my ass.. I just bitched her out a lil...told her to get a reality check and that shes not the shit..and i hung up. Apparently this girl is from the D. In from gangs in what not. Shes mexican. And likes to beat ppls ass. Well not my fuckin sisters. I woulda liked to have knocked these girls out..but its pretty pathetic to beat up a bunch of 13yr olds..well this mexican is almost 16. But still. I dont know it really really does piss me off.. someway somehow they are gonna pay.
ya after that Hannah came over and we took my sister with us..and went to go seee spiderman II. It wasnt thhhattt great. I mean the end and the beginning were. I dont know i got bored in the middle of it.

today..went and picked up my senior pics..the proofs neways. I really dont like em to much. I guess i was hopin that i would like them..cause you know sometimes ppl will tell me im pretty and i dont see how they can say that.. so i figured mayb id be able to tell in my pictures. but after those..it made me even think worse im like ehhh okay. What are those stupid ppl thinkin. O well. who cares. I think i might get a few retaken... there really wasnt many I liked.
yeahhh neeeways after pickin those up... I went bike ridin with Hannah. It was nice..and relaxin. We rollerbladed A LOT. like 2 and a half hrs.. we started from her house..and went all the way to the pointe...and took the longer way thru metro..than took jefferson..to union lake to cottrell cause we were stoppin at Mitches. Stopped there and talked to him..he was shocked we were still bladin lol cause he saw us when we began. Yeah than after that..went to hannahs n had some fooodd..
Oooooo Yeah hahahhah we umm sorta caused an accident...goin down Jeffereson... these guys like stuck their heads out of the windos and started yellin at us n whistling..so I giggled in turned around..n suddenly we hear a very loud BANNNG. In I suddenly remember a car a few cars ahead...squeelin his tires..cause there was this car sittin there waitin for traffic to clear so he can cross in go into the appartments..so i turn...and that truck ended up hittin all those other cars waitin for the car to turn. It was funny.. yet i felt bad. But still..it was just funny. It really was a loud bang tho..he didnt slow down at all. I dont know..that was different.

well yeah that was the day..

now startin tomorrow..my weekend starts up again.. Yay..

well evanescence with Hannah July15th!!!
n i got the tickets!!

iv been very....sorta moody?lately if thats the word...when im alone..i start thinking about things.. I dont know...im not even confused..i dont think...umhmm..yeah. I just need something......

mallory in I have to do a GVSU trip..and possibly kelly if she still wants too.


im out.gettinnn tired of this

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