Jun 07, 2004 23:14
well nothing toooo special has gone on lately.. thursday I had court forsomething.. it was dismissed so thats all good.
all weekend I had work. It basically killed me...saturday was sooooooo busy but it helped that I worked with *him* I like working with him.. we work well together and well it makes my mood better... like when im all stressed n pissy n sore and what not.. to have somebody there to do lil flirts n stuff with makes it all better..not that i dont flirt with all the other guys too.. 0:) its a habit at work lol.just makes the mood better but specially him. So saturday still sorta sucked cause how slammed we were.. got out of there both nights at like 1145... saturday night had a *special* ending to it..
it was completely unexpected..which well i love unexpected things..and unexpected things only makes things like 10000times better... I wont be able to get it off my mind..n thats what happened there..and basically it made the whole night seem flawless it was wonderful except that i couldnt get it off my mind. there is one person who knows what im talkin about...on how my sat ended :)
it was the best part of my weekend.
Sunday i worked all day as well...but a longer day..sundays are longggggg shifts. 3-til?? 10sh? or 11? or9? neways i was sore..nfact i have a really really really sore toe that i could barely walk on.. it was killin me..soo finally i went home...wrapped my foot..and watched the GAME!! Awesome game.
Today was very nice.
school blah
after school.. well had a couple phone calls one was from him..n he wanted to do something..i was sorta shocked to hear from him but it was realllyyyy nice.
I ended up goin out with eric tho to St.Clair.. to his uncles to pick something up. After that wentup to Crews Inn to eat with my dad.. than *he* came over for the rest of the night..left a lil after 10.
Ah what an exhausting night. But it was pretty good..
he gets long with every1 so well :/
schools almost out....i cant believe it is...im prett excited I guess. I mean I hope to make the best of this summer....
have fun... figure some new things out.. change somethings... and yeah again justtttt have fun.
ooo yeah the weekend was worth it..cause btw sat n fri i made 128 n tips..plus hrly wage..that doesnt include sunday :)
thats enough for now..im tired..
n want sleep Iv also been babysittin tonight.
P.s. I need help!!! my senior pics are june 19th (two weekends away!!!) i dont know what to wear... i think i have two outfits picked out...jiminy crickets...ne1 have ne ideas..mayb something uv seen me wear before that was okay looking that u think i should wear?? let me know :/
p.p.s-sat night=dad n canada for the night... :0 with boat. n me home alone. I need company mayb