Mar 26, 2006 15:43
Well today is my last day of freedom. Tomorrow i go back to school, no happy. But i guess you have to do what you have to do. It's really not that bad once you have actually started the day and you are there but the moment leading up to it.
Anyways enough of that. These holidays have been an interesting one. For the first week i was in Tasmania visiting my aunt Janet. It was lots of funny. SHe has a jet ski and all of that kinda of stuff which is fun. But because she lives in a nice little town with like the population of about 400 to 500 It was just great to walk down the street and scared of getting hurt or something like that lol like it is on the peninsula. lol. Janet and i went walking alot with her dog Keita. We walked about 6 Km's day she is a fitness freak lol, but i like her just the way she is.
When i came home everything was how i left it. Which was half great and the other not to sure. But it all work out in the end. I am happy no matter what any one else says. Even tho at times i'm very gullible. But i am trying to grow a "back bone" as some people put it, stand up for my self and not let other people make chooses for me. I want to make them all by my self. From now on this is going to be a big turn in my life. It's all up to me. And i'm going to make the most of it.