Title: Ghost Fear
Genre: L.J.Smith, Nightworld
Main Pair/Char: Kestrel
Beta'd: No
Rating: PG
Length: 100 words
Prompt: Non-Canon/AU,
(15/100) Posted at:
ljschallenge100Notes: This is my AU drabble of what could've happened in the forest right before Mary-Lynette and Mark find out the sisters are vampires. In the book, Kestrel attacks a deer, and Mark and Mary-Lynette remain hidden. The title comes from a quote from Mary-Lynette: it's the phrase she used right before Kestrel attacked.
Kestrel heard the noise through the rustling of Jade and Rowan digging. She stood and listened, every sense wide open. The shadows in the brush were thick and scattered, making it hard to identify shapes. Something was there, she just couldn’t see it.
She tried to focus on her ears and her nose. Hissing, she gestured for her sisters to stop.
Breathing- harsh, labored, fearful. Warmth and blood flowing; sweat upon the air.
Now if she could only pinpoint it.
They buried the bodies of Mary-Lynette and Mark with Aunt Opal.
Kestrel felt some regret, then promptly ignored it.