Title: Lies
Genre: Harry Potter
Main Pair/Char: Harry/Pansy, mention of Harry/Ginny, Pansy/Draco
Beta'd: No
Rating: NC17 for sex and angst
Length: 675 words
Posted at:
ss_unimaginable, &
frillypinkrobes Author's Note: The first of my
lions_serpents prompt table, #9 Lies. First Harry/Pansy I think I've posted as well. I think this pairing is capable of so much angst and passion. I need to write it more.
Harry pushed her away to collapse panting on the bed. His skin glistened with sweat and his hair was even more wild than normal from where she had pulled it. Pansy wasn’t sure how long they had been going at it- she had lost count after the third time she came. She never would have suspected how virile Potter was, or how angry. It turned her on when he forcefully grabbed and held her down, sliding in and out of her fast and hard. But it also scared her.
Potter was different from when he was in school. Pansy had assumed she would come into this exchange with complete control, but quickly learned otherwise. To be honest she hadn’t even been sure Potter would take her up on her offer. He never liked her in school and she never made an attempt to hide her feelings for him. The only hope she had that he would show any interest was that it was very well known he had been celibate since Ginny Weasley died.
Pansy could understand the sentiment. Draco had been missing for two years now with only a few rumors here and there about whether he was still alive or not. She couldn’t bring herself to be with anybody else, no matter how many times she tried. She would flirt and coo and tease, but when it came down to the actual deed she always pulled away, seeing nothing but gray eyes and platinum hair in her mind.
Only with Potter was it different. He had stared silently at her after she first managed to get the words out of her mouth. His green gaze had her more uncomfortable than she had ever been and just when she was about to accept defeat and leave, he grabbed her upper arms and pulled her into a teeth-knocking kiss. He couldn’t be stopped from then on. Strange thing was, she never wanted to stop.
Now, hours later, he appeared sated for now. Pansy looked him over, noticing the many scars other than the legendary lightning bolt that marked his body. He was very attractive, but still she felt the hole of Draco in her heart.
“Alright, Potter.” She managed out, still breathing heavily.
She sat up to look down at him, ignoring their nudity. Her dark eyes met his. “Your part of the deal now.”
He stared at her again, green eyes unreadable. “Malfoy’s dead, Parkinson.”
“You’re lying.” Pansy shot back, unfazed. She had thought often of the possibility of Draco being dead. She just hadn’t accepted it yet.
“I’m not.” He told her steadily, gaze unwavering. “He was killed by Voldemort shortly after the Parliament Raid.”
Her hands clenched the bed sheet and her body began to shake. “There were rumors of him being spotted after that.”
“Just rumors.” He tossed back easily, sitting up and pushing himself out of the bed.
The hotel room she had rented was bare but clean. He walked lazily to the bathroom.
“I don’t believe you.” She told him, trying to keep her voice as steady as possible. “There was no body.”
Shrugging, he paused at the doorway to look back at her. “I didn’t believe it at first either, but she still was dead.”
With that he closed the door, leaving Pansy alone.
In the bathroom he leaned against the door, closing his eyes and listening to Pansy’s quiet sobs. He didn’t know if Draco Malfoy was dead or alive and he really didn’t care. When Parkinson had approached him with her offer of sex for information, the only thing he could think of was how damn lonely he was and how much he hated her and everyone like her. Why not use her?
It had helped for those brief hours. Pansy matched his ferocity and seemed just as angry as he did. Now though, with his body cooling and his mind returning, he felt the guilt- the guilt and the constant loneliness.
“Oh, Ginny.” He whispered, hanging his head and trying to block out the world.