Hey Gorgeous
well today i woke up at like 7..can u believe it..and all on my own. Then i took a bath about 7:15 this morning, then i went back to sleep when i got out. Then Anna and Alyssa came over about 8:45 (((thats who were babysitting today))) and they went and woke ashley up, she took a shower, then we all got ready and went to trussville. Ash had to pick up sum pics she put in, then i got me sum new HOT sunglasses. After that we picked us all up Chick-fil-a and went home and ate. Tonight me and ash have church..so were only babysitting until like 4 today. (((money))) yay! anywho, i might post 2night.
LuV ya Darling
O && last night, me and alan got into an argument (((sorta...long story)))...but ofcourse this is how it ended...not complaining though..cause it was really sweet.
AlanFlick08: ok. I dont know what this is worth, but i love you. I promise
DiXieDarlin2k8: u promise?
AlanFlick08: promise