I just found this very old pic from last year of me and nina..woooww lol we both look SO different...hmmm..
I miss nina
the OLD nina
the Nina w/ long blonde hair that would spend hours fixing it
the Nina that would love to be around everyone
The EXTEMELY anti-druggie Nina that would cuss out a stanger if they were high
The Nina that use to skip english w/ me to talk in the bathroom in 5th and 6th grade
The Nina that wrote me a lonnngg letter before i moved to Tennessee and cried w/ me when i read it
The Nina that i loved SO MUCH
The Nina that was ALWAYS there
The Nina that i devoted my life to, and she devoted hers to me
Nina-- my heart, my shoulder to cry on, my life-line, my world, my family, my best friend..
My old best friend, my very devoted loving caring friend. we were totaly inseprible.
we have SO many memories--good and bad. but the bad we always went through together..and she helped me, and i helped her. i lived at her house, she lived at mine. i always talked 2 her mom. her and mine where like mother and daughter. i loved her brothers- and i still love one of them as if he were my brother.
The Nina that was happy..
Im not gunna say im jealous of her and sam, bc im not. im just so angry and hurt at how her and sam have connected. shenika is everything that sam is..and thats not a good thing. shes no longer nina..shes something else..shes sam..and its hard..its been so hard..having a life long best BEST friend..and then one day some1 else comes in and then their gone.. and you have to sit there and watch all of their mistakes. BIG mistakes..and know that you cant do ANYTHING to prevent them, future BIGGER mistakes.. a poison is set in their veins- killing them slowly. and theres an antidote..and everyday u watch them die more and more and you cant get the antidote..you try and try but you fail soo bad..but that person is ALWAYS in the back of your mind..and as much as you want it to all go away. it wont. as much times u cry yourself to sleep bc of them. it'll stay. My best friend is dying from something so stupid, and she has no idea..shes so numb she cant even smile..she cant feel pain..she cant cry..she cant show any emotion even tho she wants to..she's so lost..
I could always look in her gorgeous blue eyes that i've always wanted, and see Nina..happy loving Nina..but now when I look into those sam eyes..I dont see Nina..i dont see her anywhere..its not her..all i see is saddness..emptiness..a totaly different person..and all i want is for those eyes to change- back into Nina and not some1 else..not ANY1 ELSE, EVER...
All i want is for her to be happy..even if it doesnt involve me as a part of her happy life..
All she needs is a friend..a GOOD friend. not a friend thats into drugs, or sex. a friend to ALWAYS be there.
I'll ALWAYS love this girl no matter what she does. i have eternal love for her. It doesnt matter how much she hurts me, no matter how much she ruins her life, or any1 elses..i'll always love her the same amount as i have for, four and a half years.
I'll love her the way that sisters do. they way that best friends do. I'll always love her as Nika- my best friend. And no one else.
I want Shenika Hornbrook back
NOT a Sam clone.
..maybe someday...