Mar 06, 2005 19:57
wow! yay! finally a week that was ok! its about time!..anyways let me tell u y..ok so first bf and i got back together still really excited cuz i think that it might be this weekend coming soon that where gunna go snowboarding!! yay! i cant wait!..thirdly...we have another swim meat this week against elko!..yuck! dont worry were gunna kick there butts!..and that a word?! i forgot wat fourthly is!..well theres a surprise right! well..well i guess thast it for now..just wanted to update this cuz y'all keep tellin me to so u guys better leave a comment!! yay! fourthly just came back!..i got it!..just wanted to say that yesterday i went to go see my sis's middle school put on grease! was sooo good!! i looved it! and the boy who played danny was frickin hot as hell!!! was tim..the boy i was sitting next for all u fellerz out there that know dustin i saw him there to! well now thats it! catch y'all later!..
buh bye for now!..jess!...xoxo..especially to u joel! no matter wat!