Feb 14, 2005 10:54
Valentine's Day I truly believe is the most pointless and overrated holiday of every holiday in the entire friggin' world. Gosh, and everyone makes such a big friggin' deal about it...luckily i have my friends who hate this wretched day equally as much as i do. although i did get a cute hello kitty valentine from dani and a harry potter one from karen and now i have 5 valentines to complete my day: Erin, Winnie, Mandy, Diego and John...i don't hate this holiday as much as i seem to, but really WHAT IS THE FRIGGIN' POINT???? I mean some guy named St. Valentine uhhh what so special happened to inspire this cherub-laden day of o-i-love-you-so-much luviness??? I mean really people, if anyone knows the point of this holiday please enlighten me because I cannot figure it out. not only is it stupid because you should love someone equally all year round not just on one day....god if my husband proposes on valentine's day....jeez...like on the 7th heaven eppy...gosh that would suck. you know what would be really cute though, getting proposed to by one of those sweet-hearts that say "marry me" in cute little chalky scribble, that would be adorable and then reply with one that says "i do" in similar chalky scribble....ahhhh, that would be cool and cute not cheesy and overly romantic. Oh all the little couples with their hearts and chocolates and roses......really i don't understand the point of this day, i mean love the person all year round the same you would on this one day. it's not that hard. hmm maybe i'm just a cynic. i remember when you were in elementary school and we made those valentine's bags out of lunch bags and decorated them and then everyone in the class would make valentines for everyone else and we would have a huge party with cupcakes and juice and lots and lots of candies! :) those were the days....now everythings so serious balloons and chocolate, etc., etc., etc. i loved those little v-day bags, i really did those were the best. everyone was so nice in elementary school with all the holiday parties in classes and stuff and then the education people got all "anti-fun" and decided we cant have parties in school anymore because it takes up learning time....dude really we have 12 years of primary education to take up our time and then 4 more if you go to college so i doubt one hour of holiday partying would make a difference. i mean what's one hour or so in 16 years of hard-core ed??? well according to john...little kids today have gotten so warped, getting valentines from other people and saying "ewww i hate her" or "yuck he's creepy!" the kids were watching freakin' Air Bud and some kid cried out "i hope he dies" (the clown) ahhh this generation is going to be full of little miscreants....hmmm well all for now gotta go to lunch ciao!