desperate times

Jul 17, 2010 20:37

i'm waiting for Dave to come online so we can have a long overdue talk. in the meantime, i felt like doing a brainless meme, so i scoured my own archives to find an old one i can repeat.
for humour's sake, compare these answers to the ones of December 29, 2004:

[ The Tired Introductions… ]

These answers belong to: Stephanie
Who is around the age of: 21
Which makes them a/an: young woman
Who can be found at/in: York

[ The Past… ]

Your first best friend was named: Nicky
You’ve moved this many times: err... London>Pickering>Mississauga>Burlington>Toronto>York (and back and forth between the last three a bunch! of times)
You first word was: ?
Your first swear word was: shit
Your first job was: babysitting my cousins
Favorite TV shows as a kid: Magic School Bus, Kratt's Creatures
Favorite books as a kid: Good Families Don't, Ella Enchanted
Favorite movies as a kid: The Aristocats
Favorite foods as a kid: cucumber, peanut butter
Favorite toys as a kid: round thing that you pull the lever of, and the arrow spins, hits an animal and makes the according noise
Favorite videogames as a kid: /

[ The Present… ]

Your current best friend is named: Chris (or alternately, Dave)
Your significant other is named: Chris
Current Job: unemployed! but trying so hard...
Current Obsessions: Mad Men, Marilyn Monroe, Accessorize jewellery, etc.
Current Annoyances: being unemployed, Xbox Madden, having a too-small fridge, etc.
Favorite TV shows: Mad Men, Grey's Anatomy, Lewis, etc.
Favorite books: the usual suspects - The Great Gatsby, Looking for Alaska, etc.
Favorite movies: the usuals - Dead Poets Society, Casablanca, Elizabethtown, etc.
Favorite foods: goat's cheese and caramelized onion tortellini, camembert and cranberry chicken burgers, lamb gyros
Toys: /
Favorite videogames: /

[ The Future… ]

Where you see yourself next year: oh man, i have absolutely no idea
In two years: London-area? in some big city, possibly, with whatever job and Christoph
In five years: teaching some snot-nosed brats at a grammar school? would be nice
In twenty years: married, in some Canadian suburbs, with three teenage-ish kids
In fifty years: still married (hopefully) in a little flat somewhere near one of my kids
Future son’s name: Liam, Ben, Tomas, take your pick
Future daughter’s name: Erika, Hero, Arianna, take your pick
How the world will probably end: the sun will go out, slowly depriving us of its heat and gravitational pull
What happens after you die: nada

[ Your Views On… ]

Organized religion: opiate of the masses
Child sponsorship: if you think it helps, go for it
Subliminal messages in music: mindless propaganda
Abortion: for it
Adoption: if you want to
Gay Marriage: for it
Euthanasia: on humans? i say yes - if they agree to it or are in desperation
Underage drinking: sure, it's your life to fuck up
Artistic Censorship: not as big of an issue as people like to make of it?
The one-child policy: a seriously good idea
Vegetarianism: eh
Atheism: has more going for it than any other possibility
Pornography: is alright, within reason
Racial profiling: sad, but near impossible to get rid of
Hunting for sport: sick, very sick
“Happy Holidays” vs. “Merry Christmas”: Merry Christmas! (there's a reason I'm in England...)

[ Your friends… ]

Most likely to owe you $10 in the not so distant future: Chris, haha, but we don't pay each other back
Most likely to end up stranded at an airport somewhere: err, me
Most likely to end up in jail and call you to bail them out: Jordan
Most spoiled: Arthur
Most selfless: Dave
Could very well be secretly gay: ooh, definitely Jack
Has the best house: still me!
Has the best clothes: Sarah Hurcomb
Has the best taste in music: Jack
Is the most gullible: Dutchie
Full of the useless information: Arthur
Knows secrets about you no one else does: Chris
Has seen you cry: all of them
Has cried with you: most of the women
Has seen you drunk: all of them
Has been drunk with you: all of them?
Acts most like their zodiac sign: ?
Acts least like their zodiac sign: ?
If you had to, you’d switch wardrobes with: Harriet
If you had to, you’d switch families with: Danilo
If you had to, you’d switch houses with: our student house for Vicki and Harriet's

[ The Beginning of the End… ]

How you take your coffee: black
How you take your tea: bit of sugar
How you take your liquor: straight (oh shit, rum!)
The most wonderful time of the year: beginning of school year
I’d rather be: employed
My other car is a: Volkswagen
Honk if you’re: Canadian
Your personal icons or heros: JK Rowling
Girls are made of: mascara, maxi dresses, and turquoise jewellery
Boys are made of: canvas shoes, curry, and guitar strings
Three words describing the person you took this from: me or Dee? 
Your dream pet: Shetland Sheepdog puppy, or a thick, chubby orange cat
Your dream vacation: england (might go!) i went! holy crap, how did my life get here... now my dream vacation is: Egypt?
Your dream job: fiction editor
Do you even know what Harajuku is?: yes
How about Harakiiri?: still no
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