May 04, 2004 22:39
I have never been so mad in my entire life~Okay so I dont normally tell people about this but my mother lives with me since shes been out of jail and not only has she torn my bathroom, guest bedroom, family room, and living room up. She steals from me everyday and this doesnt seem to bother grandparents my grandfather just keeps making dates on when she will leave and my grandmother doesnt care cause she had to deal with it before and nobody cared then why should she care when its my stuff (yes im serious) Im like "thats your own fucking fault for letting her stay here i have no choice" I went to call the cops and my grandmother laughed in my face like "we tried that before it dont work but be my guest nothing will happen" are you fucking kidding me I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE FACT THAT A ) MY MOM IS A DRUG ADDICT AND B) THAT EVERYDAY I HAVE TO HIDE MY THINGS SO SHE DONT TAKE THEM.....An then my grandparents tell me its my fault cause I dont lock my door when I go out.....I SHOULD HAVE TOO? This is my fucking mom were talking about MY MOM NOT SOME ASSHOLE OFF THE STREET MY OWN MOTHER DOESNT GIVE A SHIT ENOUGH ABOUT ME NOT TO STEAL FROM ME ITS BAD ENOUGH IM IN SCHOOL AND IM NOT WORKING AT THIS POINT SO WHATEVER I DO HAVE I NEED....NO IT DOESNT.
This is what she stole today
1. Lady Tims
2. Cover Up
3. Powder
4. 3 Shirts
5. 2 pairs of pants
6. Pefum that stevie and chris got me for xmas
I hate my life i honestly fucking hate it I cant stand being abused anymore and its not like I have a choice to stay here or not cause im in school I just wish I was back in fucking Bristol.
I started crying yesturday cause I had friends that did drugs once and died and why is my mom still around anybody answer me this can anybody....why....I want her dead...and I mean it....I want her DEAD......An I hope to go nobody gives me that "She brought you in this world bullshit....cause she has told me if it was up to her she would have "killed me when she had the chance"