I hope I never figure out who broke your heart.

Oct 04, 2012 20:09

I'm reading a book where, as a kid, the main character was told stories by his grandfather. He grew to hate those stories and resented his grandpa for telling them. I recently watched a movie about the same thing. The stories, the resenting...it was sad. Because all I could think about was how I (and all my cousins) would kill to be able to remember Grandpa's stories. To have an actual substantial piece of paper with stories from 'Oo-bop-ba-ree-a-bam' would be amazing! I just wanted to yell at these characters to always remember and write them down because you're going to want to tell your kids, and they're going to want to tell their kids.

I was kind of reading last night. If there's a book I've read enough, I can speed read or just skim through it. Read the really good parts or the scenes stuck in my head. So I was doing this last night with Jennifer Echolls' Going Too Far, there was a moment where I really felt for these people, I had tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe I was crying, it felt like I was in that relationship. It was especially crazy considering I was only skimming and wasn't even completely into the story.

I'm thinking of starting some more daily challenges.

30 Day Film Challenge

Day 01: The best movie you’ve seen all year.
Day 02: Your least favourite film
Day 03: The last film you saw at the cinema
Day 04: Your favorite horror movie
Day 05: A film that reminds you of someone
Day 06: Favorite drama film
Day 07: Favourite animated feature
Day 08: A movie that you’ve seen countless times
Day 09: A movie with the best soundtrack
Day 10: Favorite love story in a movie
Day 11: The most surprising plot twist or ending
Day 12: Favourite movie villain
Day 13: A guilty pleasure
Day 14: The film that no one expected you to like
Day 15: The film that depicts your life
Day 16: Your favorite biopic
Day 17: Most overrated film
Day 18: Favorite movie from your childhood
Day 19: Your favorite trilogy/quadrilogy/etc.
Day 20: The funniest film you’ve ever seen
Day 21: The most bizarre film you’ve ever seen
Day 22: The most depressing film you've ever seen
Day 23: The most powerful film you’ve seen
Day 24: First movie you saw in the cinema
Day 25: A film you could quote word for word
Day 26: A film that was filmed close to where you live, or close to
Day 27: Favorite movie character
Day 28: Your favorite movie protagonist
Day 29: A movie that makes you happy
Day 30: Your favourite movie cameo

20 Day Gilmore Girl Challenge

Day 01: Are you a Lorelai or a Rory?
Day 02: What was the coolest Stars Hollow town event?
Day 03: Favorite of Rory's boyfriends
Day 04: Favorite of Lorelai's boyfriends?
Day 05: Are you and your mother more like Lorelai/Rory, Emily/Lorelai, or Mrs. Kim/Lane?
Day 06: Have you ever tried a food after seeing it on the show?
Day 07: Are you a Paris or Lane?
Day 08: What was the first episode of Gilmore Girls you saw?
Day 09: What is something that will always remind you of Gilmore Girls?
Day 10: How long was your longest Gilmore Girls marathon?
Day 11: Have you ever quoted Gilmore Girls in real life?
Day 12: What is the weirdest couple that you secretly ship?
Day 13: What is the number one thing happening in pop culture the you wish to hear Lorelai and Rory discuss?
Day 14: If you could have a crossover episode, what show would it be with?
Day 15: Who is your favorite Gilmore guy?
Day 16: If you could choose just one character to bring into your life, who would it be?
Day 17: Is there a character in the show that you know HAS to be based on someone from your life?
Day 18: What characte do you wish was in the show more?
Day 19: Would you rather eat at Luke's or go to Friday night dinners?
Day 20: What is the first line to come in to your mind right now?

15 Days of Crushes

Day 01: TV Star Crush
Day 02: Movie Star Crush
Day 03: Movie Character Crush
Day 04: Book Character Crush
Day 05: TV Character Crush
Day 06: Disney Prince/Princess Crush
Day 07: Old Enough to Be Your Parent Crush
Day 08: Singer Crush
Day 09: Couple Crush
Day 10: Badass Crush
Day 11: Geeky Crush
Day 12: Opposite of Preferred Gender Crush
Day 13: Unlikely Crush
Day 14: Childhood Crush
Day 15: Superhero Crush

surveys and challenges, family, books

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