I can't replace all of the wasted days.

Sep 14, 2012 22:02

At a funeral, or other sad event where people are crying, do you feel an obligation to cry as well, even if you aren't as much a cryer as other people are?
I feel like I'm more of a cryer than other people. I wouldn't ever feel an obligation to cry...that's just weird. But if I see other people crying, it makes me want to cry too.

What animal (or insect, etc) are you most afraid of? Was there a specific incident that led to your fear, or is it just a general thing?
I'm scared of gorillas and monkeys. When I was very small, I had a recurring dream of being chased by a gorilla - it was horrifying. Then, my neighbor across the street dressed in a gorilla suit for Halloween and would just pop out to scare the kiddies, I was scared of going to that house all night. And then there was that incident where the little boy fell over the fence at the zoo and into the gorilla pit. I know that the gorilla didn't hurt him and even shocked the nation by treating him like her baby, but still. Terrifying!

Do you think high schools should give out free contraceptive?
Absolutely! You can teach abstinence all you like, but you are not going to stop kids from having sex. It's better that teens are educated and contraceptive is readily available. It's better than kids dropping out or starting day care programs in schools.

If you're eating out, and you perceive that your waiter/waitress is having a hard time/being hassled, would you give them a slightly higher tip...even if they screwed up your service too but quickly (and honestly) apologized to you for it?
No. lol..is that bitchy?

Do you buy stuff from the grade/junior high/high schoolers when they show up at your 0door as part of their fund raising for school equipment?
This doesn't happen in my neighborhood anymore, but back in the day my parents would. They'd buy those horrible popcorn tins that kids would sell for sports. As for myself, I use to buy candy bars, but that had nothing to do with the school or the sellers; I wanted the chocolate.

friday five

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