I can be so mean when I wanna be.

Apr 28, 2012 20:57

I actually got tears in my eyes when I read that the fifth season of Fringe would be it's last. Every fan is super excited that we get a final season, and I am too. It's fantastic news that we get a proper ending to this amazing show, but all I can focus on is that it is going to end. It's so sad, I've never had such a strong reaction to a show's cancelattion. It's completely mind blowing to me that more people aren't watching this show and that it's actually costing the network money to keep this show going because of that. Fringe is by far the best show on television and it is my favorite show ever.

Thinking about The Hunger Games and Catching Fire.....I think Armie Hammer would make a dashing Finnick.

I am seriously disappointed in Kim Kardashian. I like the Kardashians and I hate it when people complain about them or make fun of them. Like it or not, they're better than you. If you could get rich from sitting on your ass and having it called a television show, you know you would do it. But I can not believe Kim is dating Kanye! Ew. First of all, what could Kim possibly see in that douchebag. Secondly, is there anyone who believes this is a real romance? Kim, sweetheart, he's using you. I know you wear your heart on your sleeve and you fall in love at the drop of a hat. We've all witnessed that big extravagant wedding. Just lift the hood off your eyes and realize that you deserve better than him.

I thought that Brad and Angelina weren't going to get married until everyone could get married. What happened to that?

Apparently people are mixing up the books Fifty Shades of Grey and Between Shades of Gray. One is an erotica fanfic about Bella and Edward, the other about a teenage girl taken from her home and forced into slave labor under Stalin's orders. Very easy to confuse the two.

I entered the book give away contests at teenreads.com. One prize is Bitterblue, which I very much want to read, and City of Lost Souls, which I will of course get to. I still have to read the fourth book in the series. The other prize is Breaking Beautiful, The Butterfly Clues, Crazy Dangerous, Unraveling, Purity, The Last Echo, and The Lucky One. I think the movie trailer looks good for The Lucky One, and I read The Body Finder and liked it so I can't see why I wouldn't continue it and eventually read The Last Echo. Most of those I've never even heard of, but a free book is a free book.

celebs, current events, tv: fringe, the hunger games, books

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