I'll take on the world when you're here with me.

Feb 21, 2012 16:31

I read Fire (A Graceling novel) by Kristin Cashore a while ago. Whenever I would read about the hero in that book, I would have a picture of Prince William in my mind. When I started watching Downton Abbey, Lady Mary always reminded me of someone. I just recently figured out who that was, and it is the heroine from that book. So now I have this fantasy of Prince William and Lady Mary in my head.

Speaking of Downton Abbey, how bad has that show gotten? It's so soap opera-y now. Matthew's story line is ridiculous! First he goes missing during the war, but then in that same episode he returns to Downton. Then he's injured and on the brink of death, he lives, but is paralyzed from the waist down. Then he steps out of his wheelchair and is miraculously fine. His fiance catches him kissing another woman, falls ill from the Spanish flu, and her dying wish is that he be happy. How convenient for Matthew and Mary.

Daisy finally accepts her kindness to William because she thinks he contacted her through a quiji board. Banes is found guily of murder and sentenced to hanging, but there was insufficient evidence or whatever and now it's life in prison. Thomas steals the dog so he can look like the hero when he finds her later. Richard threatens to destroy the family if Mary doesn't marry him.

It's all a bit too much, but the costumes alone are enough to keep me watching. Anna was wearing a coat in that last episode that was so fucking gorgeous! Plus, I want to see Lady Edith get a man. A man her age, who she truly loves and truly loves her.

Observers are a big mystery in Fringe, they're seen at every historical event since the beginning of time. They appear to be every where, at every point in history. We don't know how many of them there are, or what they do, what they know. We don't know who or what they are. I just found out that an observer appears in every episode of the show. That only means one thing...new project! I have to go watch the entire series again and find the observer in every episode.

tv, tv: fringe, books

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