I've been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you.

Jan 19, 2012 19:23

I don't think my hair is healthy anymore. I don't know when this happened, but it seems to have stopped growing. I don't know what to do about this or how I damaged it. I don't use any kind of product and never have, I don't use the curling iron or flat iron, I don't even blow dry. Basically it's shampoo and conditioner for me. And it's not even new stuff, the same kind I've been using for years and years. I'm baffled.

I had a dream where a bunch of us were at Steak and Shake and we were sitting and sitting. People kept coming in and getting their orders before us, leaving before we got our food. I was pissed. I yelled at our waitress, like seriously screamed. I've never yelled at anyone in my life.

I was watching Friends last night, 'TOW The Bullies'. I haven't seen that one in forever so I watched even though it was passed my bedtime. The scene with the dog, where it's half in the window, was so hilarious to me. I laughed out loud and seriously laughed for like five minutes straight. My stomach hurt and I couldn't breathe. You know that feeling you get after a good cry? Just totally relaxed and relieved that it's all out? That's what it felt like. Except without the unpleasantness of all the tears. Here's the clip

tv, random, dreams

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