I think I found the soul to make me happily ever after.

Nov 23, 2011 18:56

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There's something about seeing the trailer that really gets to me. I can't even put into words how beautiful it is. I cried during the trailer. I have mixed feelings about seeing it in the theater again though. If someone asked me to go, I don't think I'd have the strength to say no.lol But I don't think I'd go by myself.

My cousin called me last night to tell me she saw Breaking Dawn. Without me. Kidding, I'm not as into as I was with Twilight. Maybe because Breaking Dawn sucked. She said that the wedding was immediate, and she didn't like that there was no preparation. The housekeeper at Isle Esme was in it way too much. The belly was disgusting, she thinks I'll throw up in my mouth when I see it. I believe she used the word gruesome. She also said that Jacob was more of an asshole this time around. That's always how I saw him though, the character in the book is an asshole, they made him nicer and sweeter in the movies. She's not the fangirl I am and she forgot that they split it into two movies so she was very disappointed, I would have been too. She didn't like the wolves either, said there wasn't as much of a focus on them as in the other movies.She says she's definitely going to go see it with me though, and her parents want to see it. I absolutely love seeing these movies with my aunt and uncle, but Danielle doesn't much like going to the movies with her mom and dad.

movies, gifs, video: movies, twilight

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