I can be so mean when I want to be.

Aug 23, 2011 22:58

This 30 day BigBrother meme caught my eye. I wanted to do it, but once a season is over, I pretty much forget everything. So it just entertained me, and maybe I can answer a few questions, but I just felt like sharing it.

Day 1: Post a picture of your favorite male houseguest of all time and why they’re your favorite.

James from BigBrother 9 had the perfect amount of fun, funk, and carefree spirit. What with his bow tattoo, his pink mohawk, and his ever present purple jeans.

Day 2: Of the seasons of Big0 Brother you’ve seen, which runner-ups deserved to win over the winners and why?

Day 3: Post a picture of the Big Brother houseguest (all seasons) you find most attractive

Jeff; BigBrother 11 & 13

Day 4: Which houseguest gets/got on your last nerve and why? (all seasons)

Dick; BigBrother 8 & 13

Day 5: What is your favorite HoH competition of all time and why?

I have to answer this hot dog one from BigBrother 12 just because when Britney fell off she told America that she, "lost her dignity on a slippery wiener."

Day 6: Post a picture of your favorite female houseguest of all time and why they’re your favorite.

Jordan;  BigBrother 11 & 13, she's sweet, funny, cute, genuine...I really like her.

Day 7: Which houseguest’s diary room sessions do/did you like the most and why?

Britney; BigBrother 12, her diary sesions were so entertaining, they were really the reason to watch.

Will and Boogie, BigBrother 2 & 7, are a close second.

Day 8: What season of Big Brother was the first you ever saw and how did you get into the show?

BigBrother 5 was my first, my friend got me into it.

Day 9: What game move in the Big Brother house was the smartest and why?

Day 10: Of all the people who have won the Big Brother game, who is your favorite? Who is your least favorite?  
As I've already said, Jordan is my favorite and Dick is my least favorite.

Day 11: Which eviction speech was your favorite and why?

Day 12: Post a list or some pictures of what you’d hope to find in your HoH basket should you win.
Ho-hos, peanut butter cups, sour gummy worms, cinnabon bars, Sara Lee pound cake

Day 13: What Veto competition was your favorite and why?

Day 14: What moment in the Big Brother house frustrated you the most and why?

Day 15: Post several of your favorite Big Brother gifs.

Day 16: Post several of your favorite quotes from Big Brother houseguests.

Day 17: What twist in the Big Brother game has been your favorite and why? What sort of twists do you hope to see in the future?

Day 18: Select 5 past houseguests who would be your selections on a dream Big Brother All-Stars.

Day 19: What Big Brother tune is your favorite?
I don't even know what that means.

Day 20: Whose punishment costume inside the Big Brother house was your favorite?

Day 21: Do you think Big Brother seasons should be either all newbies or all veterans, or do you like the mixture?

Day 22: What is/was your favorite alliance in the Big Brother house of all time?

Day 23: Which fight inside of the house was the most memorable?

Day 24: Whose nomination speech was your favorite and why?

Day 25: Which season of Big Brother was your all-time favorite and why?

Day 26: Select your favorite showmance (or real romance) of all time.

Day 27: Whose temper was the absolute worst inside the house?

Day 28: Who do you predict will make it to the final 3 of Big Brother 13?
I predict Jeff, Daniele, and Porshe

Day 29: What would you like to have in the jury house if you were to be sent there?

Day 30: Do you want to be a Big Brother houseguest someday? Whose game would you most like to emulate? Feel free to take little bits from several houseguests.
I think I have the emotional and mental stability to be able to be in that house, but I don't have the physical capability or any social skills. Obviously being in a wheelchair would make it impossible to be in that game, but I could definately handle it mentaly.

pic: tv, gifs, surveys and challenges, tv: big brother

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