Something 'bout the way you hair falls in your face.

May 06, 2011 18:19

I feel like this music meme is taking over my life!

I watch Criminal Minds a lot. I watch it every week, and I watch re-runs on A&E. The problem with the show is that there's no character development. Every week, episode after episode it's the same thing. And the really annoying thing is, it has potenitial! There are episodes that reveal a character's past or challenges their future, but it's just thst episode. The next week it's all forgotten and never mentioned again. Hotch's ex-wife was brutally murdered and his son threatened, but it's over and done with. Derek was molested as a child, but he's never dealt with any of that on screen. Garcia was shot, and that was it. Reid has probably the most damage and because of that, the most personal stories, but once the case is solved it's like it never happened.

My cousin, Danielle is Miley Cyrus, my Uncle Jim is Seeley Booth. If you read this, and are curious about my family, you can just watch Hannah Montanna and Bones and you will know them. My brother mentioned the other day that Tommy is just like Barney from How I Met Your Mother. Now I'm curious, and when I watch tv I will be looking for people I

I feel that this cycle of ANTM is lacking. There aren't any really great girls, and photoshoot ideas seem to be dwindling. Nothing I even want to post. The last episode had a challenge that had absolutely nothing to do with modeling. I really hate Molly, she's just super annoying! And never have I heard a model swear so much! I'm really shocked that Alexandria was sent home! I really thought that Tyra wanted her to win! I think that by keeping Molly in the competition this long. Tyra is really contradicting herself. She always says that modeling isn't just about pretty pictures, so why is Molly still here. Why was Alexandria sent home? Why is Hannah still there? I'm also a little curious how other people watch the show. I know that I never watch the "judge's deliberations", I always just skip right past it. And watching it with my cousin, I know that she does the same thing. I wonder if everyone does this. And something that really bothers me is last season's winner, Anne, her CoverGirl photo is just terrible! Tyra always complains that a girl looks like an amputee in her photo, but this floating head CoverGirl ad is genius.

tv, random, pic: tv, pic: antm, gifs, tv: antm

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