She's seen her share of devils in this angel town.

Feb 21, 2011 22:29

My bedroom, right now. I want to change it. Soon.

This old school desk has been in my Grandma's basement for as long as I can remember. My entire family has grown up playing at this desk. When I found it in my Grandma's garage just waiting for garbage day, I had to take it.

I got both of these for Christmas and haven't gotten around to hanging them yet.

This is my wall unit shelf. At the top is a plastic yellow egg. When we were growing up, my sister, cousin, and I each had an Easter egg the color of our bedrooms. It was a long time ago so my wall colors have changed, but I still get the yellow colored anything. The other week we were making dinner and I got the yellow plastic wine glass. Obviously.

On the shelf below that, sits my Dundie.

And the shelf below that is my Valentine. Every year my Grandpa gave all the granchildren Valentines, and that is the last one he gave me before he died.

On the bottom left is my tequilla. On my 21st bday, some of my family went for a breakfat celebration. Jessica and Jake gave me the tequilla and lime. Jake saying that, "I didn't have to drink it, and shouldn't give it to peer pressure." The salt was missing, so Molly put the salt shaker from the IHOP in my purse.

This is my cool spinning, hanging thing.

My sister's boyfriend stole this duck from someone's yard. I named him Lance.
My dad got the ship as a souveneir gift and didn't like it very much, my mom absolutely hated it, I love it.

Apparently there's a ghost in my room.

I have like seven pillows, including a wrestling buddy. It's Macho Man Randy Savage, but my cousin renamed it JASHEC M TARD. Each letter standing for a boy/celeb we were crushing on. I couldn't tell you who they all were. All I remember is the 'H' has to be Heath Ledger.

I don't like all those pictures taped to the wall. Honestly, it's just a crappy paint job and the old color is showing through, so I put the pictures up to cover it.

My friend made that cross in her Conformation classes, and decided she didn't want it. I said that it had to be a sin or something to throw away a cross, so I took it. And I never throw anything away, so I still have it.

I had a friend who painted that dream picture for my bday one year.

My uncle gave me those purple beads after he got home from Iraq.

I bought that caboodle when I was like ten, with my own pennies, and I bought it because it was leopard print. That is the only reason. There is nothing in and there never has been.

My sister works at Ulta cosmetics so I get free perfume samplers.

I usually keep candy in my giant martini glass. Right now it's Crystal Lite's hard candy.

I didn't get it in the picture, but behind the perfume bottles there's a candle with a stapler inside.

The Serenity prayer was this year's Christmas gift from Grandma.

My Grandpa had a gumball machine and kept the pennies for it in a tootsie roll bank.

Beanie Babies was a huge thing for us growing up, and when McDonald's started their teeny beanie thing, we would go around all day, diving from McDonald's to McDonald's looking for them. Now, the stegosaurus was always my favorite baby, but it was one of the firsts ones and retired immediately, and impossible to get. So I was very excited that it was a teeny. But it was a special edition that didn't come with a happy meal. You had to buy it seperate. For like ten dollars. And my mommy bought it for me. And it's the only one that survived all these years later.

"There's no place like home...coming" was the theme of the homecoming dance my sophmore year of high school.

The drawings are from cousins. The dog is from Mayha who is five. Lexi who is eight, drew a picture of me. And Ernie and Bert are from Danielle. Who is 16.

nostalgia, picspam: photos

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