That's because you don't have a Prada backpack

Jul 07, 2005 11:23

Last night the Kings were being super loud and making Kirby bark so I took him downstairs so the parental units could get some sleep. Kirby, Tracy, and I were in the family room and we watched Gilmore Girls. The one where Luke'sa uncle died and the one where Jess crashed Rory's car. There were some funny moments. So I fell asleep around 2 or 3. Then, at 6, the phone rang. There was no way I was getting up to answer it, so I let the machine get it. It was Aunt Susie informing us of the terrorist attacks in London. So when I heard that, I got up and turned on the news. I watched the news until like 8 and fell asleep again. I woke up around 1 and Cara called. So I got ready and Sarah and Cara came over. Cara showed me her picture in the little coupon book thing that's on everyone's door and I hung it on the wall. Then Tracy came home from orientation, but had to go to work then. Then Ashley came over. I gave Sarah her present and she said she liked it. When dinner was ready, they left. Then Ashley called and invited me over to watch Hide and Seek. It was okay, I guess, but the ending was extremely confusing. And it was way too long. It was a good thing Ashley called when she did because other wise I would have missed Big Brother. When I got home from Ashley's, I watched Big Brother. It was pretty interesting. I liked the old house better. I don't have a favorite yet, but I will. I got some mail today too! I love mail. It was an invitation to Sarah's party. There was a birthday card with $15. And my appointment time for senior pictures. It's July 20 at 4. It's almost my birthday!! Woot! Woot!

life, movies, friends

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