Put his picture down and maybe get some sleep tonight.

Aug 09, 2010 15:21

backtodragonfly- a Gilmore Girls rewatch community. JOIN TODAY!

01. The first character I fell in love with
Lorelai Gilmore

02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now

03. The character everyone loves that I don't
Logan. I despise him.

04. The character I love that everyone else hates

05. The character I used to love, but don't any longer

06. The character I would shag anytime
I'm gonna go with Jess.

07. The character I'd want to be like

08. The character I'd slap.
Also Jess.

09. A pairing that I  love
Lane and Zach

10. A pairing that I hate
Lorelai and Christopher. Rory and Logan.

11. Favorite character

12. My five favorite characters
Jackson, Rory, Lorelai, Zach, Louise

13. My five least favorite characters
Logan, Paris, Jason, Logan's friends who's names I don't even know.

14. Which character I am most like
Liz, maybe?

15. My deep, dark fandom secret
I don't like Luke and Lorelai as a couple

tv, surveys and challenges

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