Movie Night

Jul 03, 2005 11:11

Today I went to Aunt Kathy's house for a little pre-birthday celebration/movie night. She is going to be out of town on my birthday so she gave me my gift tonight. It's very cool. A sunglasses case with sunglasses, pins, a necklace, and scrapbook stuff. We had Domino's for dinner with cini sticks and cheesy bread. We watched Are We There Yet which was absolutely horrbile. Then we watched In Good Company which was cute, but had a horrible ending. It might have been even worse than Cruel Intentions. After that, we watched that Katie Holmes movie where she's the president's daughter, I don't know the name of it. That was okay, but woah, what a shocker about James! I felt bad for the girl. And again, a sucky ending. Well, I just got home and I think, once again, I'm going to have a donut. But this time with some orange juice. I'm also going to watch ER that was on today that I had to tape. Later Days!!

Quote of the Day:
Get me a new doctor! One who is not crazy and is not Fonzie!

Who says it? I bet only Sarah will know.

life, movies

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