Where my flist at?!

Sep 25, 2009 18:28

Calling all hotties on my friend's list! Tell me about yourself.


TV shows:

How do you feel about weddings?
What are you obsessed with right now?
How do you feel about homosexualty?
Are you above the influence?
Are you afraid to dance and/or sing in public?

What streotype do you fit into?
How do you feel about alone time?
Do you like to share [music/books/shows] you like with others?

Do you swoon over fictional characters?
Do you believe everyone has a soulmate out there?
If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
Do you believe in ghosts/aliens/paranormal happenings?
Do you think dreams mean something?
If your favorite genre of music becme illegal, what would you listen to?

What was your first impression of me?
If we were stuck in an elevator together, what would we talk about?

surveys and challenges, friends

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