(no subject)

Aug 11, 2006 23:28

Whohoo!  Apparently I don't have to go to school for second period as they have not issued me a class for that time  Silly school, they have not done a very good job on my schedule.  But that's okay, I have printed out a number of different schedules that I will allow them to issue me, so perhaps when I go into the counciling office Monday, August 21st at 11:25 am, they will give me exactly what I want.  They had better, otherwise it will not be pretty.  It isn't like i'm making impossible demands, I am simply asking for what my schedule and high school career need.  If they can not give it to me, well then they will have to find a way.  Here is what I want, there is no point in showing what I have, as that will be changing.

0- Econ


2- Spanish 3

3- AP English Comp

4- AP US History/ Geography

5- Chemistry Honors

6- CPM 3 (Algebra 2)

This one is also tied with this as the best 2 for me.

0- Econ


2- CPM 3

3- AP English Comp

4- AP US History/ Geography

5- Chemistry Honors

6- Spanish 3

unfortunatly I know that the school may not be able to give me exactly what I want, and if that is the case I also have 4 back up plans for them, although each one has a few flaws that I am not happy about.  With my Schedule, periods 3-5 as is zero period, so I really only have 3 classes to move and play with.  Although I feel like I have to have EAST 1st period, I don't HAVE to have it, it is just the best period to have it and get my project completed.  I sincerely hope I can get one of these schedules.  If they won't give me econ because I'm a Junior and the class is "full" I will be so pissed off.  I've informed them since freshman year that I would be taking Econ my Jr year, they have known this and have assured me that it would be available to me, so if it is not, I will be completely screwed my senior year since it simply will not fit.  I have got to have econ as my zero period class, there is no other class offered zero period and basically yeah.  Livejournal pisses me off when it won't make my writing fit the whole page.

There, I finally sort of fixed it.  So, Ricky got back in town tonight and it was nice damn it i didnt competely fix it, it doesnt go all the way to the right...god damn livejournal.  But yeah i got to see him and that was a very good thing.  Tomorrow we are going to the fair with his family, which i am excited about because i want to see alll the fair animals and of course the horse racing.  This school year sure will be interesting.  hearts livejournal, hearts.

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