ill be just find pretending im not

Mar 05, 2005 14:50

i felt like i should update so i am. lets see, things have been sorta the same. a couple days ago me and scottie got into this big fight because some girl lied to scottie telling him i liked someone else. wtf? yeah. so we almost broke up like it was so over. but somehow kristen talked to him and made things okay. because kristen is awesome. anyway i went out lastnight. it was fun. i saw that kid charlie lol and joey kept following me around haha hes so weird in a cute way? i guess. & the blonde kid hit me with a glow stick. it hit me right in tha lip. lol it hurt. this kid scott wont leave me alone. he likes me a lot. i feel bad for him but like hes to annyoing and i dont like him. shannon n everyone hates him lol. AWw! soo shannon came with me lastnight too. haha it was funny she was trying to shove the glow stick up cj's crotch. lol and steph made sam cry! haha t0o funny! && i saw my dave! lol he looked upset tho and he wouldnt tell me whats wrong =/ .. dont worry dave im always here for yaaa =D .. hmm so besides that, everything is gay. my parents are seperated and are now dating other ppl. i guess ill just have to deal witht that. oh well. its nothing i didnt expect but w/e.
i dunno what im doing today. hopefully something fun=]] caLL ME*
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