i belong in huntington beach. its just how life works. fish live in the sea. birds live in a tree. and i katie c should live in HB. *rhyming skillz! ohhh yeahh* xD . anyways. i took pix with bree and britt. it was fun. they are the best. i miss huntington beach sooo much. i would move back in a minute. sry yall. i know ud miss me *not* but HB is so worth it. and its not like i wouldnt know anyone. id go to marina and know a bunch of ppl. but eh oh well. im stuck moving to SIMI. ew. but my house out there is super perdy! i keep askin alex to download his pix on to the comp *cuz they are on his camera not mine* but he wont. rawr. so here are my pix of lovely bree parish and brittnay jacobo! xoxox!! oh yeah and guess what?! the US open was this weekend!! so all u sufer ppl out in the valley, the very few, be jealous cuz i went and u didnt! teehee. jk! k the pix are really comin this time. here ya go!
haha bree's takin a pic of me takin a pic! nerd!! but u gotta love her!
look at that sexy mama! dont u wanna hit that?! lol!!! i do!
bringin back old memories.. damn that stryder huff!!! hahaha
haha bree is talkin to craig there. i think she is anyway. none of us knew this craig fellow but i told him that i left my panties in his car and i wanted them back. then he told me he didnt have a car and our call was ruined. lol. but we ended up talkin to them forever and day. we looked him up in britt's yearbook.. hot! lol. all the guys out there are. man i hate the valley!
hehe.. us messin around. being silly..
we all got up early the next mornin and hit the beach! but there was tourists everywhere! damn them. lol. stupid US open. i swear there isnt usually this many ppl there! but even if there were, id still love HB!!!
damnn look at that sexy beast! haha ;D
ok fortunately brittany is very photogenic. i am not. especially when it takes the person five hours to take the pic when we are starin at the sun. *ahem bree!* lol jk u kno i love u bree!!
my favorite place, well one of them, in HB. ruby's on the peir! see the lil red dot on the end?! lol yea there. i love that place!!
my attempt to take a picture of the stands for the open.. it didnt work. instead i got half of bree and some dude. lol. pretty yellow surf board tho!
that girl prolly thinks i was takin a pic of her! haha concited! jk. but see my pretty town?! dont u just love it?!
pic of bree looking at who knows what... oh wait. shes prolly lookin at the hot guys behind us. =D
our skim boarding buddies! hello friends! lol.
bree's friends. dont remember their names. cute tho.
more friends! haha. and see the guy with the camera right there?!! he was video taping us. scurry. oh and i guess i thought the umbrella was nice too.
hehe. i take terrible pix at the beach apparently... but i love britt! <33
haha i swear i wasnt stoned! lol i was attempting to get in the pic. it didnt work very well.. i moved a lil to slow i guess.. hehe but bree was smart. lol smile pretty bree bree!
brittany again!! oh yeah. we were at BJs at this point. waiting for our pazookies and this kid named evan. he showed as we were leavin. oh well sry evan. lol. then after this we had to run down main street to meet her mom cuz we were runnin a lil late. xD. katie, late? nooo never! haha psh...
then this is where i decided i was going to move into. im running away. and im gonna get this lil house right here. =D!! orrr, if that doesnt work. ima barge in on brittany and her folks and bree and her folks and just live with them till they get tired of me! cathy and teri wont mind, right guys?!
ok well thats all for my pix of HB. i plan to go down there more often. i miss it. hope yall enjoyed my lil tour! haha maybe ill take more pix later this month. cuz i plan to go back soon. wait, no not later this month. its already late this month. i meant next month. lol. hasta luego mi amigas! xoxoxo