Jul 31, 2008 18:49

Shamelessly stolen btw.

Ladies, time to get out those pens, pads, and/or emailing devices to write those congress people! Basic overview, if the doc has scruples with giving you birth control, Contraceptives, Plan B contraceptives, and/or abortions they do not have to prescribe them. Congrats ladies, you're about to be set back 30 some odd years in the area of how much control you're allowed to have over your body.

My oppinion? You took your oath to become a doctor. You break that oath or refuse to fulfill your duties, then you face the consequences. Its good to have convictions and I applaude people for standing up for them. In the meantime, I'm going to find a way to protect peole from haveing children that they do not want, will resent, aren't ready to have, will not provide for the care of said child, and/or those who use birth control for alternative health benefits. Want to take a moral stand against abortion? The best way to prevent abortions and/or the suffering of children is to not have children. Stop being an ass.
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