I got really annoyed earlier as I left at the very last minute this morning as I was taking photos only to get to work and find I’d forgotten the data/charging cable. Then I remembered I had a flikr app! But now I have now battery life for the journey home tonight - boo! Also, Dom’s stolen the batteries out of my real camera and hidden them somewhere GRRRR
Twinkle Mermaid skirt! *____*
I’ve adored this since I saw Phoebe wearing it one day and was delighted to find it in Closet Child. The blue one was there too!
It’s so pretty! The print ‘twinkles’, pearl beads are sewn in and the bustle and ends of the waist ties are dot tulle. The only weird things are 1. It’s so big! You can eat a HUGE meal and still be comfy. 2. The zip is a back one not a side one so it goes through the bustle. It works fine and doesn’t notice but that’s a strange way to do things!
EPIC Chantilly bonnet..
I love this so much! It was very expensive (Though probably not any more than my reduced wired bonnet from Baby in Paris) and I only bought it because we got to the evening of the last day and I had Y10,000 left! It’s not worth taking money home, so we came back into Atelier Pierrot and I tried it on and died. Plus it was a tax free bonnet!
The lady in Chantilly was so nice. She saw that I was wearing another Chantilly head piece (see below) and said thank you very much and asked if I like Chantilly then? And helped me find something small to build the amount up to Y10,000 so I could get the tax off. When we left she said something along the lines of ‘thank you again and always’ like the Baby shop girl says to Momoko in the film. (Obscure) brand loyalty FTW!
Chantilly headbow/Rose, for when just one item on your head is just not enough!
This is so cool! It’s comfy and looks amazing.
Lianne was looking at and trying on triple fortune headbows in Atelier Pierrot when I noticed they had the same Chantilly headbow as the one I was wearing so I took it off my head to exclaim (and notice how dirty and bent mine was ^^;;;) The shop lady noticed and asked if mine was Chantilly too and I told her yes and that I’d bought it in Paris at the Japan expo. She then asked if I’d met the Chantilly designer there to which I said yes :)
Worn picture!
Mamazing Innocent World dress
I never would have even bothered
clicking on this on the website I don’t think, if I hadn’t seen it in real life; especially with how awful it looks on Draco Malfoy girl with a blouse. But it’s so elegant and beautiful and summery and flattering! The cross straps, bow bust and narrow bustle all got me <3 Plus it’s the kinda loli dress you could wear around non lols without them freaking out.
The good thing about my hair being so multi tonal is that I can get away with a lot more shades. One of those is Pricilla’s lightest colour (a rather dark blonde).
We were in Be Bee or whatever it’s called looking at the hair when the shop assistant saw me picking this half wig package up, came over, took it out and plonked it on my head. It was like a DAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! Spotlights and angel music moment - it looked so good!!! Yay hair!
Hair band
Bought at the same time from the same shop - it’s a heart of little cream and gold glittery fabric roses.
I wore this with my cream £5 Camden bargain dress, new hair, gold VWs and the Tralala cardi that’s coming up and looked like a gyaru! It was shocking!
Tralala stuffs!
Bargain Y5,000 Tee-shirt and cardigan set! Lianne bought a hoodie there and I pointed out the black version of the cardi on the counter whilst she was paying and the shop lady (another lovely woman) showed me the deal. Love it to bits.
Cheap backless waistcoat from one of the Wonder Rocket shops
We kept going in to Black Piece now and adoring, but the trouble with BPN is that you need to buy several items to make it look awesome - one thing alone just doesn’t work. This was cheap and cool and looks good with VR :D
Jewellery jelly
I bought this on the first day and regret it. It’s lovely and beautiful and flattering and the print sparkles and I think black’s the best colour but it’s not quite me. I’m going to try trading it. If I can’t get anything then I’m going to keep it because I still love it but… yeah >_>
Baby crown choker
Bought this on the last day in Closet Child in Shinjuku (I like that one, that’s where I found Twinkle Mermaid!) it’s very pretty and lovely.
Meta Cream/Coffee blouse
Long sleeved ruffly blouse. Bought it on the first day as well. I like it but the colour doesn’t match as many things as I would have liked and it’s an absolute PAIN to do up. May sell this as well.
Cheap rings and phone strap that I’m going to make into a ring
200 and something yen each? Cute and sparkly.
Obligatory character based headwear from Disney land
You’re not complete unless you buy something like this! I chose Marie ears, Lianne had Minnie.
Imai Kira artbook, postcard and cloth wallhanging thing
One of the stalls in MaruiOne seemed to be changing artists and there was a group including Imai Kira the second time we went. Love her work.
Aaaaaaand a new wallet (wanted IW, decided to be sensible so I have a gold sparkly one), half eyelashes, eyelash glue, some things from paris Kids, Some things from Swimmer, some fairytale stickers from kiddyland, totoro chopsticks and holder, interesting sweets for Dom, some cute little bowls for my mum, Swimmer mug for Aggie, Ponyo bubble blower for Louise, Wedding card for Louise and Mr M, Japanese sweets for parents and probably more on top!
SO! Who's coming with me to Tokyo in October? XD