Aug 26, 2005 21:41
I feel so bad for andy. he's been sick since spring break. we just found out a few weeks ago that he had this huge sinus infection in like all his sinuses. he's been on so much medicine that he has to drink the danactive yogurt stuff everyday to put back the good stuff the medicine takes out along with the bad. and the other day he was sick. and when we got off the bus today he said he felt bad and thought he had a fever. it was 100.2. but it keep going up to i think 103. even after we gave him some medicine. and it turns out he didn't take these 2 medicines he's supposed to take. i think he got one of them today and didn't know to take it. but my mom had a bowl of water and some wash rags trying to cool him down some. then after we got the medicine in him that he was supposed to take he started feeling worse and was coughing up blood. so my mom's been calling the doctor and i think that they think he has pnuemona and they just left to take him to the emergency room. tomorrow he's got the championship game for junior hurricanes. and it's that last year he can play and he might not even be able too. and he loves basketball so much and i just feel really bad for him cause he's like the best player on the team (nonbiaest opinion) and he just works so hard at it. And now i'm just really nervous (i'm shaking). i mean i know he's gonna be ok but this just hasn't ever happened before and i just wish these things wouldn't happen to him. he such a good kid yet he's the one that's always getting sick or getting stitches or broken bones. and my parents will probably be there for hours and i'm not gonna want to go to bed with out them being home cause i just don't like going to sleep knowing i'm the only one in the house.