Feb 05, 2006 18:40
I have officially decided that there is no better feeling in the world than curling up with a book you have not yet read! The thrill of going somewhere while still sitting quite stationary on your couch. Not knowing what is coming up next, reading, reading, reading, to find out. Everything is so new, young, fresh--page after page and you still arent bored!? I have finally reached that point of reading obsession! I waited for it for so long, I always WANTED to read, WANTED to love to read, WANTED to curl up with five billon pillows and get lost on a rainy day but it was never appealing until I started Harry Potter. At first my mom would read to me every night in Elementary school but I got bored with the first Harry Potter book and never finished....then I started to dream about it, its weird I always have dreams about movies or book and then I get obsessed with them and see them or read them and I fall in love (pirates of the carribbean, phantom...)! So I started Harry Potter back up and I was finally "this tall" to ride, I was flying with the books I read them all in order understanding them and loving them like I had not before! Now I am reading again and mmm its like cake you just cant get enough its closing in on the edge of unhealthiness but it is quite the opposite, its indulgence its love its life sqeezed into an inch and a half of thick yellow paper! No one has the right to say they are bored when they could simply pick of one of these beautiful creatures named 'books' and be on their way to Hogwards, or England, or the depths of Mordor! Angels&Demons I am officially conviced you are the best book in the entire world, and to ALL WHO HAVE NOT READ ANGELS&DEMONS RUN...RUN NOW...RUN FASTER, AND READ IT!