Mar 21, 2007 17:58
You know ive just worked out i still dont really know how to use live journal all that well.....meh.
Yay! When the boss returns from hunnymoon i get a week off!AND that will land nice and dandily in the two weeks Ash has holidays, so we are coming to welly. YAYNESS! Dont know exact dates yet, but sometime between the 6th and 23rd of april, and hopefully over the 14th coz parently thats rosies bday.I cant wait!
...if anyone wants to put us up that would be far our only choice is chris and feejs. nothing against chris and feej, but when so many of our friends are not so fond of chris id feel a bit akward stayn with him and saying "oh im going cant come, your not invited or wantd"...bit rude.And we all know that with chris yes it would have to be that blatent to stop him tagging along. Sigh.
Ah but who cares. I get to go back to Wellington!!!!!