Well okay.

Sep 25, 2005 14:45

Well, it has truly been awhile since I have last updated. I have been so busy with school! I am honestly loving it here this year more than I ever have. I look forward to every day because each day is fun and filled with time in class, with friends, or with my wonderful boyfriend. I personally have never felt better about the way things are in my life. Classes are going well. They are super challenging, but at least I know I'm getting my money's worth. Sure, I'd rather not read forever each night, but I'm actually starting to become interested in what I'm reading, so it's not so bad. My beloved Hawkeyes are not doing what was to be expected of them, but if everyone remembers...last year we were also 2-2 at the start of the season...and we never lost again. For all of those people falling off of the band wagon right now--I hope you bruised your ass falling off, because you deserve it! Assholes! Anyway! Like I said before classes are going really well. I'm taking Organic Chemistry, Intro to Brain and Behavior, Biology, and Biostats. Only 4 classes, but let me tell you - it feels like so much more. Next semester should be about the same only I'm going to have to take another class. I'm also thinking about taking a night class in something fun like kick boxing or maybe a dance class. One of the benefits of having a lot of hours, because I get to register before the younger students and it will be easier for me to get a spot.

Just a few clarifications for people that are still stuck in high school. It has come to my attention that people keep spreading stupid rumors like me being pregnant and engaged. First, people need to grow up and get over the fact that we're no longer in high school. It's no one's business what people do but their own. I am not pregnant, nor am I engaged, but even if I was - who gives a shit? That would be my problem. I know there are certain people out there that would be overjoyed by one or both of those things happening,and they'd just love to call everyone they knew to bitch. To those people: sorry to dissapoint you. You can keep coming up with other juvenile things to say about me - but in the end, we both know who's right. If you have enough time to sit around and dream up ways to insult me and slander my name then maybe you need to reevaluate a little more than your life and realize that there's so much more to life than talking about who's pregnant and who's engaged and who's fat. People are going to gain a few pounds just like they are going to lose them. People are going to get engaged and it's only going to happen more and more as we get older. I'm willing to bet that within the next 5 years almost everyone will be engaged or at least close to it. We're adults now. That's what we do. We GRADUATE high school. We MOVE on. Chances are you won't be best friends with your friends from high school, but oh well. That doesn't mean you still can't communicate with them like adults. A "hi" or "hello" never killed anyone, but instead people are just being damn immature. I don't understand why people are still playing the same games that they used to. This is the real world. It's great because if you don't want to talk to a person - you don't have too! Nobody is going to make you be friends with someone you don't like. If you don't like someone - don't talk to them. Why keep bringing up the past when the past is done. If you're going to keep talking shit about a person then you are obviously struggling with things at a subconscious level and you need acknowledge that and move on. High school is over and we're never going back, so acknowledge that and move on. I am so sick of people still being attached to that damn place! It's honestly driving me crazy. I think I know about 10 people at Central High School right now - and I'm totally fine with that! I don't want to know people there. I want to know adults that will get me places in life and give me the resources I need to do what I want to do. It's time for people to put the fantasys aside and realize that while it's fun to read Cosmo and watch Sex and the City we will never be the people in the magazine or on the show - because that's not reality.

It makes me sick to make me think that I actually sat here for fifteen minutes and wrote here because I should be reading. I just needed to get some stuff off my chest. I am just getting so sick of certain people that I'm about to lose my mind. Just like Jackie said in one of her last entries - this shouldn't be a place for "Suzie is such a slut" it should be about letting people know about what's happening in your life. it should be an actual blog. I think that those of us that have livejournal stick to that better than some of the ones with xanga. Not that Xanga is bad...I just feel like it's more of a magnet for bitching. Three cheers for Livejournal!!
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