Title: After You've Gone
blondebitzPairings: Hayley & Hope, Hayley & Freya (Fandom: The Originals)
Rating: T
Summary: They’re quiet together for a minute or two, just listening to the sounds of the bayou that Freya hates and Hayley loves. Hayley reaches over and takes Freya’s hand and squeezes it tight, grateful beyond measure that she is here, even though she doesn’t want to be. Hayley isn’t her family in the same way as Rebekah, or Kol, or any of them. Freya didn’t choose her, like she chose Keelin. Hayley was just tossed into the mix and Freya showed up and went along with it because of Hope. All of them are here because of Hope.
It has once again been my pleasure and good fortune to participate in the first ever Big Bang at
multifandom_bb and
celaenos gave me a fabulous story, After You've Gone to work with. I hope you love her story as much as I do.
Here's the link to her story on
AO3 So before we get to the pretties, I want to say thank you to those who gave this artwork inspiration and purpose.
Firstly, a big thank you to my awesome partner in crime
celaenos whose superb story,
After You've Gone, inspired as well as challenged my muse to create an array of artwork in a fandom as even though I know The Originals, I've never had the opportunity to really play in before. Not only is she a talented author, but a wonderful, supportive partner and a delight to work with! Go check out her story and show her your appreciation ...you certainly won't regret it!
I also want to thank the amazing and generous
angelus2hot, as without her friendship, support, energy and amazing talents,
multifandom_bb would never have been born and this bigbang wouldn't have been possible. Thank you so much for everything you have done...and continue to do! You're the greatest friend, supporter, handholder and cheerleader anyone could ever wish to have in their life! :D Thank you!
Finally, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to look at the artwork and leave a comment. It is very much appreciated.
...and now, on to the pretties! Enjoy!
Header banner
End banner
Chapter Dividers
Selected dividers with text
Complete set of dividers (without text)