Art Title: Guardian Angel
Prompt Number: E3002
Original banner - Click on pic for full sized image.
Fic Title: Take Anything You Want From Me
amypond45Fandom/Genre: SPN/RPS
Pairing(s): J2
Rating: Adult
Art link on:
AO3Fic Link(s):
LJ |
AO3Link to masterpost on spn-reversebang:
This is my second year participating in the
spn_reversebang and was thrilled to have my banner claimed by the delightful and talented
amypond45 . Her fabulous and beautifully written story, Take Anything You Want From Me, is definitely one to put on your "must read" list. You can find it on either her
LJ...or on
AO3 ...and please remember to let her know how much you enjoyed it!
So before we get to the pretties, I'd like to thank my partner in crime
amypond45, who was an absolute delight to work with, and I also want to thank the
spn_reversebang mods for organising and running this challenge and giving me the opportunity to play in the sandbox once again!
And finally, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to look at the artwork and leave a comment.
...and now, on to the pretties! Enjoy!
Click on the pics for full sized images!
Original banner
...and with added text of the story title, author and artist.
The End of Story Banner
The manips created to make the animated end of story banner.