Title: Hold Your Head Up High In Disgrace
blondebitzPairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
If you ask Jensen, Jared is a punk-ass little thief, who’s not as irresistible as he thinks he is. If you ask Jared, Jensen is a mean vindictive bastard, who’s definitely not as handsome as he thinks he is. Unfortunately, the world of interstellar smuggling is a small one and Jared and Jensen keep crossing paths.
Just when they’re about to admit that maybe the other isn’t so bad after all, their violent and unexpectedly intertwined past rears its ugly head. When Jared is captured and brought home to die, Jensen goes after him despite the bounty on his own head. With their lives at stake instead of the next shiny object, Jared and Jensen have to decide how far they’re willing to go to save themselves-or each other.
Features: Space of course (more in a gritty Firefly than in a shiny Star Trek way), different planets and climates, aliens, Misha is blue and furry, hurt Jensen, Jensen fighting an alien beast, Jared has a tattoo, bedsharing & cuddling for warmth, Jared covered in sex-marks (temporary fake relationship ruse), Jared chained up, and eventually porn. Featuring: Dani, Chris, Felicia, Gen, Misha, Osric, and Aldis
Warnings: violence and minor character death
Once again it has been my pleasure and good fortune to participate in the Big Bang at
spn_j2_bigbang and
ashtraythief gave me a fabulous story,
Hold Your Head Up High In Disgrace, to work with. I hope you love her story as much as I do.
Here's the link to her story on
AO3 So before we get to the pretties, I want to say thank you to those who gave this artwork inspiration and purpose.
Firstly, a big thank you to my awesome partner in crime
ashtraythief whose excellent story, Hold Your Head Up High In Disgrace, inspired my muse. Not only is she a talented author, but a wonderful, supportive partner and a delight to work with! Go check out her story ...you certainly won't regret it!
A huge thank you to
wendy for organising and running everything at
spn_j2_bigbang so perfectly and for allowing us all to happily play in the sandbox each year!
Finally, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to look at the artwork and leave a comment. It is very much appreciated.
...and now, on to the pretties! Enjoy!
Click on the images under the cut for the full sized pics.
Header Banner.
The Crews
Jensen's Crew
Jared's Crew
Chapter Dividers
End Banner
....And a variations of the end banner without text!
...and finally the base used to make the icons.