Three o'clock on your AM/FM dial...

Jun 08, 2004 14:59 sleepy...I kinda wanna take a nap before I go out tonight...but that would mean I'd have to take my contacts out...and get up in an hour to get maybe it's not worth it...?

Right now, I am practicing the art of telepathy with my cuzzin April. So far, so good. She sent me one word (poop) and I sent her three words (I want del taco, which is techncially 4, but hey, who's counting?) and it worked! The Internet is obsolete! Yay!

I don't know if I've told you all about my excitement over the movie comes out next Friday and I am so so so so so excited to see will be the next much do you wanna bet?

Last night was a lot of fun, I'm so glad I didn't go to the awards!!!! YAY! Fun at dinner and at the movies...good times...and more good times will be had, no doubt, in the near future.

Graduation is in 8 days. That's exciting. Actually, I'm more excited about the after-party. Woohoo! Can't wait. And hopefully *clubbing* but that will be determined later if we actually go or not...cuz somebody gets too drunk, apparently...haha...

I hate censoring my livejournal!!!!!! I want to write what I want to write and not worry about who might be reading them! Dammit...go away, everyone, so I can write down all of my recent adventures in lurid detail...I want to elaborate and expand on all of this cool stuff, but no! I must control myself...

All right, I guess that's enough for now. I have an appt. in a few hours meeting at the Rainforest Cafe, Downtown Disney. No, not with the same person. Bye, catch ya on the flipside...

Last night:
"Do you think I'm dumb?"
-How am I supposed to answer that? Truthfully??
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